Special New Customer ONLY 10x Partner Invite
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Special New Customer ONLY 10x Partner Invite -
*Please Watch This Short Video In Full While Your Account Is Being Created*
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Here's How You're Going To Triple
Your Business Profits In Just
Two Weeks From Today...

Dear A.I. Profit Partners,

From: The Desk Of Michael Cheney

Re: How To 10x Your Business In Just A Few Minutes From Now

Hi Michael Cheney here...

I had to create this page because we feel it is critical to your success.

You see our philosophy here at A.I. Partner & Profit HQ is…

To help you make money online and in turn, we’ll make more money.

We’re focused on a win-win situation… 


It’s In My Interest To Make Sure You Succeed When I Help You Get To $5,000-10,000 A Month…

When I help you make more money online than you've ever made before I will make more money...

I know that our partnership will be strong for many years to come.

And now with the A.I. Partner & Profit system…

That is all possible for you…

Let's look at what just happened here:

  • You went from not having a business - to having a business built and run for you...
  • ​You went from being suckered by gurus left and right teaching you how to "build a business" - to now having a real online business you can be proud of and never needing the gurus again...
  • ​You went from dreaming about having success online - to knowing deep down inside that this time you're going to make it...
  • ​You just went from not knowing how to make money online - to knowing exactly what you need to do to make $500-1,000 (or more) a day...
  • ​You went from dreaming of becoming a millionaire - to actually being able to partner with one so you can get your share of the profit...
  • ​And you went from having dreams - to making all of your dreams become a reality...

You Now Have An Ability That Less Than 1% Of People Who Want To Make Money Online Will Ever Have.

Where we’ve given you access to promote and pick up 100% of the cash on my entire A.I. Partner & Profit system.

So that you can finally stop trying to build a business that makes $500-$1,000 per day and just focus on running one...

And what's more...

On the very last page, you got a chance to upgrade your order to our Premium A.I. Partner Pack...

Where we do all of the work coaching and mentoring your customer all while you pick up 2-4 x the profits on our recurring and coaching programs.

So that you can make more money for every single sale you make of the Partner & Profit program...

And Now We’re Going To Remove The Final Step...

You Need When It Comes To Maximizing Your Profits To $10,000 - $20,000 A Month And Beyond...

You see

When I created the A.I. Partner & Profit Program and started sharing it with the world.

The people who got in and started using the system were quickly becoming some of the best affiliates I've ever seen.

My partners were generating more sales, customers, and commissions than I had ever seen in my history of making money online...

And I quickly realized the power of what we had on offer.

The results were truly amazing.

I quickly found out that not only did giving away commissions on the A.I. Partner & Profit Program make my partners more money but it made me more money too.

And the reason was...

People Became Hyper-Motivated To Go Out There And Get Those Juicy A.I. Partner & Profit Commissions

They were Hyper Motivated To Tell People About Our A.I. Partner & Profit Program

So that they could pick up some of the highest commissions they'd ever seen online...

And amazing things happened it made these partners become some of our most profitable affiliates ever.

Our partners ended up becoming super affiliates and now so will you...

They became so invested in getting the biggest commissions of their lives.

That they ended up becoming super affiliates for us because they easily learned how to become master promoters of our products and services.

Which meant that they were able to become...

Some of the best affiliate marketers in the world with just what they learned in the A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

Some Of The Best Affiliate Marketers In The World With Just What They Learned In The A.I. Partner & Profit Program...

Like Shannon Satowich,

Who Bought Her Dream Home In Hawaii...

Like Eric Larsen,

Who Made $5,200 In Affiliate Commissions
This Month...

Like Matt Halsem,

Who Made $33,800
In Just 30 Days...

Which Means That Is Going To Happen For You Too!

Because with the A.I. Partner & Profit program:

  • Not only did my customers make more money but, I made more money
  • Not only did I get better results…
  • My customers got better results…
  • And more of them got better results

This meant that not only did my customers make more money but I made more money.

Not only did I get better results but my customers got better results and more of them got better results.

Means I create an upward spiraling loop were the more money I gave away the more success my students had...

My Partners Were Quickly Becoming

The Most Elite And Successful Marketers In The Entire Game And I Can Say With Complete ConfidenceThat I Believe This Is Going To Happen For You Too.

He more motivated my students were,

The more incentivised my students were, the more money I made.

And so I decided to create a program that would take this experiment and amplify it up to the max.

Not just increase the incentives a little but GO ALL OUT...

Give away as much as I humanly could in order to make as many of my customers as possible as successful as possible with the A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

Because with all of these new skills and customers that you have acquired you’re going to create a new problem…

You’re going to need a more profitable partnership to quickly and easily sell even more products to your new customers...

So that you can make more money from all of the new customers you are getting

So What If...

Instead Of Partnering With Just One Profitable Business, I Could Let You Partner With 10 Profitable Businesses

What if instead of having just one business that brought you money day in and day out with the click of a button, I could make it 10 profitable businesses.

What if I could add these 10 businesses to your A.I. Partner & Profit account instantly!

And have them all working together like a well-oiled machine in just 5 minutes from now

Would that sound interesting to you?

Well What If Is The Question,

And Here Is The Answer...

Because that’s exactly what I've done.

I’ve arranged for you to instantly partner with 10 more of my most profitable private partners ever.

10 more partners so that you can use to 10x the number of sales, customers and commission...

You see now that you have a business that works

You have an asset and that asset is going to be bringing you sales customers and clients day in day out every single day like clock work.

And So The Next Problem You Now Face Is...

"What Am I Going To Do With All Of These Customers That I Am Generating?"

1) I mean you’ll have all of their attention.

2) You’ll have their emails and contact information.

3) And so you're going to need more products to sell to them.

4) More products to mail to them so that you can make as much money as possible from every singe lead customer and sale that you get.

So Instead Of Having To Figure All Of That Out,

What If I Could Figure That Out For You?

  • What if I could get you the products that work with your business instantly...
  • ​The promotions that sell these new businesses so that you don't have to figure them out...
  • ​Pre-approval to sell these products with the click of a button for 100% commission.
  • So that you now have 10 more profitable businesses to instantly partner with and profit...
  • ​That would be a total game changer for you...

That Would Be A Game-Changer For You And Your Business Because It Means That You’d Be Ready To Scale.

Well, that’s not something that you have to dream about.

Not something that you have to wonder about how you’re going to do it or how you’re going to find these 10 more profitable partners.

I’ve already figured it all out for you...

And let me show you how you can get instant access to 10 more profit partners to scale your business.

...Which will allow you to transform your life in ways you’ve never even dreamed possible.

…Just like we’ve done…

…and just like a small group of others, we’ve shared this system with, have done too...

…and now because of that decision you’ve made to get in on the A.I. Partner & Profit Program today...…

…It’s your turn.

The Reason You Know That You Need This Is,

Finding Money Makers To Partner And Promote Takes Time...

  • Creating promos takes time...
  • ​Creating profitable bonuses takes time...
  • ​Creating high converting graphics takes time...
  • Getting the profitable screenshots for promotion takes time...
  • ​Writing high converting emails for your buyers list takes time...
  • ​Creating a proven 10x profit plan takes time...

It ALL takes time...

That’s Why…

We’re Going To Give You Our 10x Profit Partners To Shortcut Your Time To 10x More Profitable Businesses.

So you have proven profitable partners to increase sales & commissions.

From all of your existing customers...

The same 10x profit partners that we're currently using… to launch our own internal promos for more commissions..

The Same 10x Profit Partners.

That All Of Our $5,000-$10,000 High Ticket Clients Are Using Right Now To Generate Millions Of Dollars In Sales…

In their very own partner & profit businesses, we call it the 10x profit partners because…

It’s designed to help you 10x your profits instantly with proven profitable partners…

Instead of 2-4 months of painstaking research and testing like most people have to do...

We’ve already done it so you don’t have to ...That’s right…

...All you have to do is get access to the 10x profit partners

And unlock 10 proven & profitable partners…

To add on to your A.I. Partner & Profit business…

The 10x Profit Partners Includes Everything You Need To Get 10 More Profitable Businesses Instantly.

  • Everything you need to 10x your profits...
  • ​Everything you need to sell more products.
  • ​Everything you need to sell to more customers.
  • Everything you need to sell more often.

​And best of all...

Without spending an hour of your precisous time researching where you're going to find test and validate these proven profit partners...

And what's more...

Here's How You're Going To Triple
Your Business Profits In Just
Two Weeks From Today...

Dear A.I. Profit Partners,

From: The Desk Of Michael Cheney

Re: How To 10x Your Business In Just A Few Minutes From Now

Hi Michael Cheney here...

I had to create this page because we feel it is critical to your success.

You see our philosophy here at A.I. Partner & Profit HQ is…

To help you make money online and in turn, we’ll make more money.

We’re focused on a win-win situation… 


It’s In My Interest To Make Sure
You Succeed When I Help You Get
To $5,000-10,000 A Month…

When I help you make more money online than you've ever made before I will make more money...

I know that our partnership will be strong for many years to come.

And now with the A.I. Partner & Profit system…

That is all possible for you…

Let's look at what just happened here:

  • You went from not having a business - to having a business built and run for you...
  • ​You went from being suckered by gurus left and right teaching you how to "build a business" - to now having a real online business you can be proud of and never needing the gurus again...
  • ​You went from dreaming about having success online - to knowing deep down inside that this time you're going to make it...
  • ​You just went from not knowing how to make money online - to knowing exactly what you need to do to make $500-1,000 (or more) a day...
  • ​You went from dreaming of becoming a millionaire - to actually being able to partner with one so you can get your share of the profit...
  • ​And you went from having dreams - to making all of your dreams become a reality...

You Now Have An Ability That
Less Than 1% Of People Who Want To
Make Money Online Will Ever Have.

Where we’ve given you access to promote and pick up 100% of the cash on my entire A.I. Partner & Profit system.

So that you can finally stop trying to build a business that makes $500-$1,000 per day and just focus on running one...

And what's more...

On the very last page, you got a chance to upgrade your order to our Premium A.I. Partner Pack...

Where we do all of the work coaching and mentoring your customer all while you pick up 2-4 x the profits on our recurring and coaching programs.

So that you can make more money for every single sale you make of the Partner & Profit program...

And Now We’re Going To Remove The Final Step...

You Need When It Comes To Maximizing Your Profits To $10,000 - $20,000
A Month And Beyond...

You see

When I created the A.I. Partner & Profit Program and started sharing it with the world.

The people who got in and started using the system were quickly becoming some of the best affiliates I've ever seen.

My partners were generating more sales, customers, and commissions than I had ever seen in my history of making money online...

And I quickly realized the power of what we had on offer.

The results were truly amazing.

I quickly found out that not only did giving away commissions on the A.I. Partner & Profit Program make my partners more money but it made me more money too.

And the reason was...

People Became Hyper-Motivated
To Go Out There And Get Those Juicy
A.I. Partner & Profit Commissions

They were Hyper Motivated To Tell People About Our A.I. Partner & Profit Program

So that they could pick up some of the highest commissions they'd ever seen online...

And amazing things happened it made these partners become some of our most profitable affiliates ever.

Our partners ended up becoming super affiliates and now so will you...

They became so invested in getting the biggest commissions of their lives.

That they ended up becoming super affiliates for us because they easily learned how to become master promoters of our products and services.

Which meant that they were able to become...

Some of the best affiliate marketers in the world with just what they learned in the A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

Some Of The Best Affiliate Marketers In
The World With Just What They Learned
In The A.I. Partner & Profit Program...

Like Shannon Satowich,

Who Bought Her Dream Home In Hawaii...

Like Eric Larsen,

Who Made $5,200 In Affiliate Commissions
This Month...

Like Matt Halsem,

Who Made $33,800
In Just 30 Days...

Which Means That Is Going
To Happen For You Too!

Because with the A.I. Partner & Profit program:

  • Not only did my customers make more money but, I made more money
  • Not only did I get better results…
  • My customers got better results…
  • And more of them got better results

This meant that not only did my customers make more money but I made more money.

Not only did I get better results but my customers got better results and more of them got better results.

Means I create an upward spiraling loop were the more money I gave away the more success my students had...

My Partners Were Quickly Becoming

The Most Elite And Successful Marketers
In The Entire Game And I Can Say With Complete ConfidenceThat I Believe This
Is Going To Happen For You Too.

He more motivated my students were,

The more incentivised my students were, the more money I made.

And so I decided to create a program that would take this experiment and amplify it up to the max.

Not just increase the incentives a little but GO ALL OUT...

Give away as much as I humanly could in order to make as many of my customers as possible as successful as possible with the A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

Because with all of these new skills and customers that you have acquired you’re going to create a new problem…

You’re going to need a more profitable partnership to quickly and easily sell even more products to your new customers...

So that you can make more money from all of the new customers you are getting

So What If...

Instead Of Partnering With Just One Profitable Business, I Could Let You
Partner With 10 Profitable Businesses

What if instead of having just one business that brought you money day in and day out with the click of a button, I could make it 10 profitable businesses.

What if I could add these 10 businesses to your A.I. Partner & Profit account instantly!

And have them all working together like a well-oiled machine in just 5 minutes from now

Would that sound interesting to you?

Well "What If" Is The Question,

And Here Is The Answer...

Because that’s exactly what I've done.

I’ve arranged for you to instantly partner with 10 more of my most profitable private partners ever.

10 more partners so that you can use to 10x the number of sales, customers and commission...

You see now that you have a business that works

You have an asset and that asset is going to be bringing you sales customers and clients day in day out every single day like clock work.

And So The Next Problem You Now Face Is...

"What Am I Going To Do With All Of These
Customers That I Am Generating?"

1) I mean you’ll have all of their attention.

2) You’ll have their emails and contact information.

3) And so you're going to need more products to sell to them.

4) More products to mail to them so that you can make as much money as possible from every singe lead customer and sale that you get.

So Instead Of Having To Figure All Of That Out,

What If I Could Figure That Out For You?

  • What if I could get you the products that work with your business instantly...
  • ​The promotions that sell these new businesses so that you don't have to figure them out...
  • ​Pre-approval to sell these products with the click of a button for 100% commission.
  • So that you now have 10 more profitable businesses to instantly partner with and profit...
  • ​That would be a total game changer for you...

That Would Be A Game-Changer For You
And Your Business Because It Means
That You’d Be Ready To Scale.

Well, that’s not something that you have to dream about.

Not something that you have to wonder about how you’re going to do it or how you’re going to find these 10 more profitable partners.

I’ve already figured it all out for you...

And let me show you how you can get instant access to 10 more profit partners to scale your business.

...Which will allow you to transform your life in ways you’ve never even dreamed possible.

…Just like we’ve done…

…and just like a small group of others, we’ve shared this system with, have done too...

…and now because of that decision you’ve made to get in on the A.I. Partner & Profit Program today...…

…It’s your turn.

The Reason You Know That You Need This Is,

Finding Money Makers To Partner
And Promote Takes Time...

  • Creating promos takes time...
  • ​Creating profitable bonuses takes time...
  • ​Creating high converting graphics takes time...
  • Getting the profitable screenshots for promotion takes time...
  • ​Writing high converting emails for your buyers list takes time...
  • ​Creating a proven 10x profit plan takes time...

It ALL takes time...

That’s Why…

We’re Going To Give You Our
10x Profit Partners To Shortcut Your
Time To 10x More Profitable Businesses.

So you have proven profitable partners to increase sales & commissions.

From all of your existing customers...

The same 10x profit partners that we're currently using… to launch our own internal promos for more commissions..

The Same 10x Profit Partners.

That All Of Our $5,000-$10,000 High Ticket Clients Are Using Right Now To Generate
Millions Of Dollars In Sales…

In their very own partner & profit businesses, we call it the 10x profit partners because…

It’s designed to help you 10x your profits instantly with proven profitable partners…

Instead of 2-4 months of painstaking research and testing like most people have to do...

We’ve already done it so you don’t have to ...That’s right…

...All you have to do is get access to the 10x profit partners

And unlock 10 proven & profitable partners…

To add on to your A.I. Partner & Profit business…

The 10x Profit Partners Includes
Everything You Need To Get 10 More
Profitable Businesses Instantly.

  • Everything you need to 10x your profits...
  • ​Everything you need to sell more products.
  • ​Everything you need to sell to more customers.
  • Everything you need to sell more often.

​And best of all...

Without spending an hour of your precisous time researching where you're going to find test and validate these proven profit partners...

And what's more...

we call it...

The 10x Profit Partners

It’s Designed to Allow You to 10x Your Profitable Business Empire Instantly with Absolutel
 No Research Without 2-4 Months of Painstaking Research Testing & Figuring It Out!

Here’s Everything That You’re Going To Get With The 10x Profit Partners.

component no. 1

Point & Click Profits

Total Value: $297.00

These are the exact point And click money-making campaigns we use to bring in consistent sales and commissions for our 10x profit partners

It gives you the offers, traffic sources, and everything you need to easily get $500-1,000 or more a day in extra commissions for these new profitable businesses.

If you know anything about making money online you’ll realize that that’s unheard of considering the amount of time people spend finding profitable products to promote…

Usually takes 2-4 months and we’re including them instantly here for you today

We added this because there are some of you who just want to go straight to the money.

And we wanted to make sure that you have every possible opportunity to have as much success as possible from day 1 with the 10x A.I. Profit partners program. 


10x Profit Program

Total Value: $297.00

These are the same 10 Profit Partners we’ve used to build a 7-figure affiliate business …

They’re also the same exact 10 Invite only profit partners that all our private clients use, who pay us $5,000-$10,000 as well, and today you get access to them with the 10x Profit Partners Program…

...they’ve been tested and proven to work with all of our students using the Partner & Profit Program…

It’ll allow you to go out and make money regardless of what your experience or skill level is starting out.

We included these 10x Profit Partners… because we want you to have everything you need to 10x your profits as fast as possible

Which means:

  • We've figured out proven products to generate you quick commissions…
  • ​We've gotten you lined up for pre approval so you can start promoting straight away…
  • ​We've created the entire campaigns so all you have to do is drop your affiliate links...
  • We show you exactly where to launch the promos so you don't have to worry about where you can get traffic.

​Which ultimately means…

You're going to have a turn-key way to copy click and get commission…

From day one with these 10x profit partners

We've done all of the hard work so that you can have proven products to promote instantly all you have to do is copy the process we outline and in a matter of hours you can have commissions rolling in.

Some of our members even get 2-3x returns on the cost of their entire program just from these 10x profit partners...`

And so we had to include this for you to make it as simple as humanly possible for this entire system to pay for itself in under a week.


7 Figure Precision Profits Program - Learn From The Most Profitable Campaigns

Total Value: $297.00

Want to know with laser-like focus and precision how to create profitable campaigns for your very own business.

Want to straight-up see what works and what doesn't?

Want to look under the hood of some of the most profitable affiliate marketing campaigns of all time so that you can replicate their success.

Your 10x A.I. Profit Partners promotional access may be simple to set up but we also want to provide you training to unlock your creativity and empower you to make even more money with them by giving you direct access to some of the most profitable campaign structures of all time.

From the emails, the landing pages, the promo swipes, and the launch sequences to the traffic sources.

If you were to try to get access to this anywhere else - it would easily set you back $5,000-$10,000 just for access…

Today, you’re getting it at no extra charge included with the done for you 10x A.I. Profit Partners Pack here today.


Rapid Profit Plan

Total Value: $197.00

Everything you need to get up and running to rapid profits will be included here.

So that you can not just have an asset but have an asset that is making you money fast.

The rapid profits plan shows you how to set up, customize and implement everything you need to do in order to get the cash coming in as quickly as possible.

Including - all of the customizations you need to make $500-1,000 a day in any niche you can think of...

All you have to do is watch exactly how we customize everything so you can get started in a new market fast and bring in an extra $500-1,000 per day in multiple niches if you want to…

The reason you need the rapid profit plan is… you’re selling affiliate products…

And when you’re selling affiliate products, you’re going to have multiple niches to make money in because getting to $500-1,000 a day in a new niche is easier than getting to $5,000+ per day in one niche and so you may have multiple niches that you want to test out until you find the perfect fit for you.…

With these customizations, you can literally be up and running in a new niche making commissions on day zero or as close to day zero as humanly possible…

This quickstart customization strategy is how we’re able to help our students make $500-1,000 a day or more in a brand new niche even while competing in some of the most competitive markets in the world…

And today - you’re also going to get that with our done for you 10x A.I. Profit Partners...


Bulletproof Bonus Bundle

Total Value: $297.00

Speaking of rapid profits...

You’ll also need a “Bullet Proof Bonus Bundle” to increase commissions and sales even more…

Bonuses Increase Your Conversions and Commissions...

This is just a fact of business!

And so having the right bonuses can help you make even more money for every single sale you make.

Which can add thousands, even tens of thousands to your monthly revenue.

And we’re going to give you that as well…

This is the fastest way to beef up the value of any products that you're selling.

Creating or buying private label rights to high-quality bonuses that are a perfect fit for the offers that you're promoting and giving them away to people who buy through your link and your link only.

This has been a game-changer when it comes to scaling to 7 figures for us because it allows us to get 2-4x more sales per click that we send to every single offer we promote because now not only are clients getting a product perfectly designed exactly for what they're interested in they're also getting high-value low-cost bonuses that they'd be willing to purchase all on their own.

The Bulletproof Bonus Bundle will show you:

  • How to create bonuses quickly and easily without almost any technical experience.
  • Where to find Private Label Rights so you can get bonuses that you don't even have to make beefing up the value of the products even more.
  • Our battle-tested Bonus Vault Access to our library of proven high converting cash generating bonuses.
  • ​How to make bonuses that actually drive you even more commissions (This secret was a game changer for our business when we figured it out as it allowed us to get 10-30% more commissions just from our bonuses alone)

Everything you need to make commission crushing bonuses will be revealed to you inside this bullet proof bonus vault.


Ultimate Profit Planner

Total Value: $197.00

The exact plan you need to implement to be profitable fast with these 10x a.I. Profit partners

No thinking…
No figuring it out for yourself…
No wondering what to do next…

You’re simply going to get access to the exact plan of attack to implement to make money quickly & easily with these 10x profit partners.

With this ultimate profit planner, you should be able to work less and less not like other people trying to make money online…

Who have to work harder and harder to get commissions coming in.

Understanding how to do this the right way from the start will give you an advantage over all of your competition.

Here’s Everything That You’re Going To Get With The 10x Profit Partners.

component no. 1

Point & Click Profits

Total Value: $297.00

These are the exact point And click money-making campaigns we use to bring in consistent sales and commissions for our 10x profit partners

It gives you the offers, traffic sources, and everything you need to easily get $500-1,000 or more a day in extra commissions for these new profitable businesses.

If you know anything about making money online you’ll realize that that’s unheard of considering the amount of time people spend finding profitable products to promote…

Usually takes 2-4 months and we’re including them instantly here for you today

We added this because there are some of you who just want to go straight to the money.

And we wanted to make sure that you have every possible opportunity to have as much success as possible from day 1 with the 10x A.I. Profit partners program. 


10x Profit Program

Total Value: $297.00

These are the same 10 Profit Partners we’ve used to build a 7-figure affiliate business …

They’re also the same exact 10 Invite only profit partners that all our private clients use, who pay us $5,000-$10,000 as well, and today you get access to them with the 10x Profit Partners Program…

...they’ve been tested and proven to work with all of our students using the Partner & Profit Program…

It’ll allow you to go out and make money regardless of what your experience or skill level is starting out.

We included these 10x Profit Partners… because we want you to have everything you need to 10x your profits as fast as possible

Which means:

  • We've figured out proven products to generate you quick commissions…
  • ​We've gotten you lined up for pre approval so you can start promoting straight away…
  • ​We've created the entire campaigns so all you have to do is drop your affiliate links...
  • We show you exactly where to launch the promos so you don't have to worry about where you can get traffic.

​Which ultimately means…

You're going to have a turn-key way to copy click and get commission…

From day one with these 10x profit partners

We've done all of the hard work so that you can have proven products to promote instantly all you have to do is copy the process we outline and in a matter of hours you can have commissions rolling in.

Some of our members even get 2-3x returns on the cost of their entire program just from these 10x profit partners...`

And so we had to include this for you to make it as simple as humanly possible for this entire system to pay for itself in under a week.


7 Figure Precision Profits Program - Learn From The Most Profitable Campaigns

Total Value: $297.00

Want to know with laser-like focus and precision how to create profitable campaigns for your very own business.

Want to straight-up see what works and what doesn't?

Want to look under the hood of some of the most profitable affiliate marketing campaigns of all time so that you can replicate their success.

Your 10x A.I. Profit Partners promotional access may be simple to set up but we also want to provide you training to unlock your creativity and empower you to make even more money with them by giving you direct access to some of the most profitable campaign structures of all time.

From the emails, the landing pages, the promo swipes, and the launch sequences to the traffic sources.

If you were to try to get access to this anywhere else - it would easily set you back $5,000-$10,000 just for access…

Today, you’re getting it at no extra charge included with the done for you 10x A.I. Profit Partners Pack here today.


Rapid Profit Plan

Total Value: $197.00

Everything you need to get up and running to rapid profits will be included here.

So that you can not just have an asset but have an asset that is making you money fast.

The rapid profits plan shows you how to set up, customize and implement everything you need to do in order to get the cash coming in as quickly as possible.

Including - all of the customizations you need to make $500-1,000 a day in any niche you can think of...

All you have to do is watch exactly how we customize everything so you can get started in a new market fast and bring in an extra $500-1,000 per day in multiple niches if you want to…

The reason you need the rapid profit plan is… you’re selling affiliate products…

And when you’re selling affiliate products, you’re going to have multiple niches to make money in because getting to $500-1,000 a day in a new niche is easier than getting to $5,000+ per day in one niche and so you may have multiple niches that you want to test out until you find the perfect fit for you.…

With these customizations, you can literally be up and running in a new niche making commissions on day zero or as close to day zero as humanly possible…

This quickstart customization strategy is how we’re able to help our students make $500-1,000 a day or more in a brand new niche even while competing in some of the most competitive markets in the world…

And today - you’re also going to get that with our done for you 10x A.I. Profit Partners...


Bulletproof Bonus Bundle

Total Value: $297.00

Speaking of rapid profits...

You’ll also need a “Bullet Proof Bonus Bundle” to increase commissions and sales even more…

Bonuses Increase Your Conversions and Commissions...

This is just a fact of business!

And so having the right bonuses can help you make even more money for every single sale you make.

Which can add thousands, even tens of thousands to your monthly revenue.

And we’re going to give you that as well…

This is the fastest way to beef up the value of any products that you're selling.

Creating or buying private label rights to high-quality bonuses that are a perfect fit for the offers that you're promoting and giving them away to people who buy through your link and your link only.

This has been a game-changer when it comes to scaling to 7 figures for us because it allows us to get 2-4x more sales per click that we send to every single offer we promote because now not only are clients getting a product perfectly designed exactly for what they're interested in they're also getting high-value low-cost bonuses that they'd be willing to purchase all on their own.

The Bulletproof Bonus Bundle will show you:

  • How to create bonuses quickly and easily without almost any technical experience.
  • Where to find Private Label Rights so you can get bonuses that you don't even have to make beefing up the value of the products even more.
  • Our battle-tested Bonus Vault Access to our library of proven high converting cash generating bonuses.
  • ​How to make bonuses that actually drive you even more commissions (This secret was a game changer for our business when we figured it out as it allowed us to get 10-30% more commissions just from our bonuses alone)

Everything you need to make commission crushing bonuses will be revealed to you inside this bullet proof bonus vault.


Ultimate Profit Planner

Total Value: $197.00

The exact plan you need to implement to be profitable fast with these 10x a.I. Profit partners

No thinking…
No figuring it out for yourself…
No wondering what to do next…

You’re simply going to get access to the exact plan of attack to implement to make money quickly & easily with these 10x profit partners.

With this ultimate profit planner, you should be able to work less and less not like other people trying to make money online…

Who have to work harder and harder to get commissions coming in.

Understanding how to do this the right way from the start will give you an advantage over all of your competition.

You’ll Have Everything You Need
To Go From $500-1,000+ A Day

Almost Instantly Without Any Research!

Not like everyone else who have to spend time energy and effort testing everything and figuring it out…

And if you don’t we’ll give you every penny back straight to your credit card...

…that’s how confident we are that these 10x A.I. Profit partners will work for you…

And if you don’t we’ll give you every penny back straight to your wallet...

That’s how confident we are that these 10x A.I. Profit Partners will work for you no matter where you are right now.

Like I said it’s your turn…

And with the 10x A.I. Profit Partners...

You can finally get to $500-1,000+ a day fast…

You can finally get to $8,000 to 15,000 A month fast …

And you can finally start making the money you’ve always wanted to make online…

And that’s why...

Because If You Don’t Get In,

You’re Going To Build Everything
I Just Outlined By Yourself.

Which you don’t want to do because it wastes your most precious asset - your time.

So getting in now saves you all of that time testing and figuring it out for yourself because when you get in you get to take everything we’ve done, tested, and proven and use it for yourself.

So you can skip the learning and get straight to the earning and for the first time ever - you’re getting a shot at something…

That others had to pay $5,000-$10,000 to get…

If you’re going to build everything I just outlined by yourself…

Or take everything we’ve done, tested, and proven and use it for yourself…

So you can skip the learning and get straight to the earning.

And for the first time ever - you’re getting a shot at something that others had to pay $5,000-$10,000 to get...

You’re getting a shot at something that will instantly speed up your time to profit faster than you thought possible

You’re finally getting a shot at the success you deserve…

The 10x profit partners will do all that for you and more…

All you have to do is say maybe by clicking the upgrade button below because this is all backed by a 100% risk-free…

No bullshit no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee.

And Here’s What It Means When You Do
Click That Upgrade Button Below.

It means that you no longer are going to be buying books and courses and having them sitting around doing nothing…

You DON'T NEED a course you need a money making system

  • IT MEANS you no longer have to wonder when you're finally going to start making the kind of money online that you’ve always wanted and deserve…
  • IT MEANS that you will no longer feel like you’re never going to get there...
  • IT MEANS You No Longer Have To Wonder how long it's going to take for you to get there…
  • IT MEANS you will actually DO THIS.

It means that...

Your “Hobby” Will Turn Into A Real Money Making Business, With Real Sales,
Customers & Commissions.

There will never be a moment of confusion on what to do next because the 10x Profit Partners will do all for you.

If you’re truly serious about making money online faster than you ever thought possible, then you need the 10x A.I. Profit Partners

Because the 10x A.I. Profit Partners is the only way we can ensure you get every benefit the A.I. Partner & Profit Program has to offer...

Others are finding out about this, they’re downloading the program and using the 10x A.I. Profit Partners to generate an extra $10,000, $20,000, or even $50,000, a month…

Building online businesses bigger than they ever dreamed of.

Now you see why it was so important that you watched the video until now.

This Decision About Whether To...

Try The 10x A.I. Profit Partners Could
Make Or Break Your Success With
The A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

So now the question is....

What is that success worth to you?

What is freedom worth to you?

What is the ability to make $500-1,000 or more in commissions a day worth to you?

I can tell you what we paid to create this...

We spent over $388,000 dollars and 20 Years of my life to create, test, and finetune everything we’re giving you…

And I can tell you what others paid for this $5,000 - $10,000 to be part of our high-ticket program where they got the same exact 10x A.I. Profit Partners you’re getting - and you saw the results they got…

So there is no reason you couldn’t do it too…

And I can tell you what you’re not going to pay for this…

You’re not going to pay anywhere near what we have had to pay to develop this...

Because we paid for it so you don’t have to...

In fact, if you paid just 1% of the $388,000 it cost us…

That would be $3,880 - which is still a lot less than what everyone else paid…

Even if you paid half of that which is still $1,940…

That’s still a GREAT DEAL considering what you’re going to be able to accomplish with the 10x A.I. Profit Partners.

...And even half of that - would be an even better deal.

But We’re Not Here To Make Deals.
We’re Here To Create Success Stories.

And now it’s your turn to become our next one.

So here’s a one time offer which you will see only this once:

You got this far because you’re obviously serious about making real money online fast and you now know what it takes to get there.

There are no shortcuts to your success…

But the 10x A.I. Profit Partners is the closest thing you can get to a shortcut…

And today we’ve kept our promise to help you get to where you want to go…

And Now It’s Time For You To Decide...

If You’re Going To Keep Your Promise Of Doing The Work That It Requires You To Get There

The choice is yours...

Do you want to spend 2-4 months testing and figuring it all out?

Or do you want to get INSTANT ACCESS to 10 more profit partners to promote...

The cost of admission to put yourself on the fast track to success is only a $97 one-time investment in the 10x A.I. Profit Partners.

And remember, you’re not saying yes… You’re saying "maybe".

Try this out on our dime.

Try it for a full 30 days.

If you don’t get actual results you can see inside your bank account...

Or if you don’t feel this 10x A.I. Profit Partners made this process easier than anything could

Or if you're not happy with anything for any other reason at all.

Shoot us an email at

And you get every penny back.

We won’t ask you why.

We won’t ask you a single question.

You’ll just get every penny back. Right onto your credit card.

In Fact, I’ll Even Double The Guarantee Right Now…

You Can Keep The 10x A.I. Profit Partners Free Of Charge If For Whatever Reason You Decide To Get a Refund

How’s that for believing in this and believing in your ability to achieve success with this...

There’s a button below.

That button is your key to guaranteed success.

That button is your key to having the business you’ve always wanted.

That’s your key to freedom....

That’s your key to a better life.

There’s a button below.
That button is your key to success.

That button is your key to making money online faster than you ever thought possible.

That’s your key to being able to generate $500-1,000 a day in the next 2-4 weeks.

That’s your key to being able to turn those $500-1,000 days into consistent $8,000-15,000 months fast

It’s the key that unlocks the door to everything you ever wanted in your life.

So hit that button right now.

And your account will automatically be upgraded to include a license of 10x Profit Partners…

Your access will be unlocked, and you can begin using it the second you log in to your member's area.

This isn’t a hard decision,

This is going to make sure you
actually Get all the results you want
from the product you already bought.

So take a good look at the button below.

Realize what it means. Your business. Your freedom. Your dream life.

And hit the button now, and I’ll see you on the inside.

The inside where 2-4 months of work is instantly deleted...

You’ve got options. I should let you know.

You can do all the work by yourself…

...or have all of the work done for you.

...or Have all of the work done for you.

You Can Spend The Time Energy & Effort Figuring It All Out For Yourself Or You Can
Invest In Yourself And Your Future…

If you’re truly serious about generating $500-1,000 or more a day in the next 2-4 weeks….

It’s not even a decision for you.

You already know exactly what to do.

You know you need to hit that button below.

Hit the button now and lock in your success.

Hit the button now and make the hard work easy.

Hit the button now and eliminate all the guesswork of this process.

Hit the button now and try it out for 30 days before you even decide.

For whatever reason. And for every reason.

Hit the button now.

And I’ll see you on the inside.

Michael Cheney

So Hit That Button Right Now And Your Account Will Automatically Be Upgraded To Include The 10x A.I. Profit Partners

This Is A TRUE One-Time Offer There Is ABSOLUTELY No Downsell

The Hard Way:

You Will Find Money
Makers In 2-4 Months

Finding Money Makers In 60 Days Means:

  • Doing All of the Work Yourself...
  • Testing out money makers yourself...
  • ​Making Mistakes...
  • ​Painstaking Trial & Error...
  • 1-2 Hours Of Research Per Day...
  • Investing Your Time Energy & Effort Alone​...
  • ​​Not Making Money For At Least 60 Days...

At 2 Hours Per Day

124 Hours Of Your Time...

 best choice

The Easiest Way:

You'll instantly Make $500-$1000/Day In 2-4 Weeks

Instant Money Makers Means:

  • Make Money Instantly With Proven Money Makers...
  • Getting To $500-$1,000 Per Day In Less Time...
  • Copying 10x Profit Partners...
  • ​Getting The Exact Templates To Make Money Now...
  • ​Having Everything All Figured Out...
  • ​No Trial And Error Or Research...
  • ​Getting Done For You Proven Money Making Strategies...

Regular Price: $5,000 - $10,000

Yours Today For Just Only:

You Make Money In 2-4 Weeks
Or Get Your Money Back.

Your purchase is backed by our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you don't make money with these 10x A.I Profit Partners in 2-4 weeks just send us an email at and we'll refund you every penny of your investment - no questions asked

You’ll Have Everything You Need To Go From $500-1,000+ A Day

Almost Instantly Without Any Research!

Not like everyone else who have to spend time energy and effort testing everything and figuring it out…

And if you don’t we’ll give you every penny back straight to your credit card...

…that’s how confident we are that these 10x A.I. Profit partners will work for you…

And if you don’t we’ll give you every penny back straight to your wallet...

That’s how confident we are that these 10x A.I. Profit Partners will work for you no matter where you are right now.

Like I said it’s your turn…

And with the 10x A.I. Profit Partners...

You can finally get to $500-1,000+ a day fast…

You can finally get to $8,000 to 15,000 A month fast …

And you can finally start making the money you’ve always wanted to make online…

And that’s why...

Because If You Don’t Get In,

You’re Going To Build Everything I Just Outlined By Yourself.

Which you don’t want to do because it wastes your most precious asset - your time.

So getting in now saves you all of that time testing and figuring it out for yourself because when you get in you get to take everything we’ve done, tested, and proven and use it for yourself.

So you can skip the learning and get straight to the earning and for the first time ever - you’re getting a shot at something…

That others had to pay $5,000-$10,000 to get…

If you’re going to build everything I just outlined by yourself…

Or take everything we’ve done, tested, and proven and use it for yourself…

So you can skip the learning and get straight to the earning.

And for the first time ever - you’re getting a shot at something that others had to pay $5,000-$10,000 to get...

You’re getting a shot at something that will instantly speed up your time to profit faster than you thought possible

You’re finally getting a shot at the success you deserve…

The 10x profit partners will do all that for you and more…

All you have to do is say maybe by clicking the upgrade button below because this is all backed by a 100% risk-free…

No bullshit no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee.

And Here’s What It Means When You Do Click That Upgrade Button Below.

It means that you no longer are going to be buying books and courses and having them sitting around doing nothing…

You DON'T NEED a course you need a money making system

  • IT MEANS you no longer have to wonder when you're finally going to start making the kind of money online that you’ve always wanted and deserve…
  • IT MEANS that you will no longer feel like you’re never going to get there...
  • IT MEANS You No Longer Have To Wonder how long it's going to take for you to get there…
  • IT MEANS you will actually DO THIS.

It means that...

Your “Hobby” Will Turn Into A Real Money Making Business, With Real Sales, Customers & Commissions.

There will never be a moment of confusion on what to do next because the 10x Profit Partners will do all for you.

If you’re truly serious about making money online faster than you ever thought possible, then you need the 10x A.I. Profit Partners

Because the 10x A.I. Profit Partners is the only way we can ensure you get every benefit the A.I. Partner & Profit Program has to offer...

Others are finding out about this, they’re downloading the program and using the 10x A.I. Profit Partners to generate an extra $10,000, $20,000, or even $50,000, a month…

Building online businesses bigger than they ever dreamed of.

Now you see why it was so important that you watched the video until now.

This Decision About Whether To...

Try The 10x A.I. Profit Partners Could Make Or Break Your Success With The A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

So now the question is....

What is that success worth to you?

What is freedom worth to you?

What is the ability to make $500-1,000 or more in commissions a day worth to you?

I can tell you what we paid to create this...

We spent over $388,000 dollars and 20 Years of my life to create, test, and finetune everything we’re giving you…

And I can tell you what others paid for this $5,000 - $10,000 to be part of our high-ticket program where they got the same exact 10x A.I. Profit Partners you’re getting - and you saw the results they got…

So there is no reason you couldn’t do it too…

And I can tell you what you’re not going to pay for this…

You’re not going to pay anywhere near what we have had to pay to develop this...

Because we paid for it so you don’t have to...

In fact, if you paid just 1% of the $388,000 it cost us…

That would be $3,880 - which is still a lot less than what everyone else paid…

Even if you paid half of that which is still $1,940…

That’s still a GREAT DEAL considering what you’re going to be able to accomplish with the 10x A.I. Profit Partners.

...And even half of that - would be an even better deal.

But We’re Not Here To Make Deals. We’re Here To Create Success Stories.

And now it’s your turn to become our next one.

So here’s a one time offer which you will see only this once:

You got this far because you’re obviously serious about making real money online fast and you now know what it takes to get there.

There are no shortcuts to your success…

But the 10x A.I. Profit Partners is the closest thing you can get to a shortcut…

And today we’ve kept our promise to help you get to where you want to go…

And Now It’s Time For You To Decide...

If You’re Going To Keep Your Promise Of Doing The Work That It Requires You To Get There

The choice is yours...

Do you want to spend 2-4 months testing and figuring it all out?

Or do you want to get INSTANT ACCESS to 10 more profit partners to promote...

The cost of admission to put yourself on the fast track to success is only a $97 one-time investment in the 10x A.I. Profit Partners.

And remember, you’re not saying yes… You’re saying "maybe".

Try this out on our dime.

Try it for a full 30 days.

If you don’t get actual results you can see inside your bank account...

Or if you don’t feel this 10x A.I. Profit Partners made this process easier than anything could

Or if you're not happy with anything for any other reason at all.

Shoot us an email at

And you get every penny back.

We won’t ask you why.

We won’t ask you a single question.

You’ll just get every penny back. Right onto your credit card.

In Fact, I’ll Even Double The Guarantee Right Now…

You Can Keep The 10x A.I. Profit Partners Free Of Charge If For Whatever Reason You Decide To Get a Refund

How’s that for believing in this and believing in your ability to achieve success with this...

There’s a button below.

That button is your key to guaranteed success.

That button is your key to having the business you’ve always wanted.

That’s your key to freedom....

That’s your key to a better life.

There’s a button below.
That button is your key to success.

That button is your key to making money online faster than you ever thought possible.

That’s your key to being able to generate $500-1,000 a day in the next 2-4 weeks.

That’s your key to being able to turn those $500-1,000 days into consistent $8,000-15,000 months fast

It’s the key that unlocks the door to everything you ever wanted in your life.

So hit that button right now.

And your account will automatically be upgraded to include a license of 10x Profit Partners…

Your access will be unlocked, and you can begin using it the second you log in to your member's area.

This isn’t a hard decision,

This Is Going To Make Sure You Actually Get All The Results You Want From The Product You Already Bought.

So take a good look at the button below.

Realize what it means. Your business. Your freedom. Your dream life.

And hit the button now, and I’ll see you on the inside.

The inside where 2-4 months of work is instantly deleted...

You’ve got options. I should let you know.

You can do all the work by yourself…

...or have all of the work done for you.

...or Have all of the work done for you.

You Can Spend The Time Energy & Effort Figuring It All Out For Yourself Or You Can Invest In Yourself And Your Future…

If you’re truly serious about generating $500-1,000 or more a day in the next 2-4 weeks….

It’s not even a decision for you.

You already know exactly what to do.

You know you need to hit that button below.

Hit the button now and lock in your success.

Hit the button now and make the hard work easy.

Hit the button now and eliminate all the guesswork of this process.

Hit the button now and try it out for 30 days before you even decide.

For whatever reason. And for every reason.

Hit the button now.

And I’ll see you on the inside.

Michael Cheney

So Hit That Button Right Now And Your Account Will Automatically Be Upgraded To Include The 10x A.I. Profit Partners

This Is A TRUE One-Time Offer There Is ABSOLUTELY No Downsell

 best choice 



Instantly 2-4x Your
Profit Means Means:

  • Make Money Instantly With Proven Money Makers...
  • Getting To $500-$1,000 Per Day In Less Time...
  • Copying 10x Profit Partners...
  • ​Getting The Exact Templates To Make Money Now...
  • ​Having Everything All Figured Out...
  • ​No Trial And Error Or Research...
  • ​Getting Done For You Proven Money Making Strategies...

Regular Price: $5,000 $10,000

Yours Today For Just Only:




  • Doing All of the Work Yourself...
  • Testing out money makers yourself...
  • ​Making Mistakes...
  • ​Painstaking Trial & Error...
  • 1-2 Hours Of Research Per Day...
  • Investing Your Time Energy & Effort Alone​...
  • ​​Not Making Money For At Least 60 Days...



You Make Money In 2-4 Weeks Or Get Your Money Back.

Your purchase is backed by our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you don't make money with these 10x A.I Profit Partners in 2-4 weeks just send us an email at and we'll refund you every penny of your investment - no questions asked

A.I. Partner & Profit
Michael Cheney © 2024 - All Rights Reserved.
Need help? Email:
This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM A.I Partner & Profit.