Limited Time Only: For Anyone Who Tried & Failed At Starting A Profitable Online Business & Wants To Finally Succeed Without Building Anything

I’m Looking for Partners to Join Me in This $97,083/Month Business  Powered by AI 

That means you don’t have to create a product, fulfill any services, run ads, or do any customer service

best of all, you get to partner with me on your new 7-figure business

Claim Your Digital Copy Today ...

*Now Available*

Instant Digital Download!


 Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You'll love our partnership or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy.

I’m Looking for Partner to Join Me in This $97,083/Month Business
 Powered by AI 

That means you don’t have to create a product, fulfill any services, run ads, or do any customer service

best of all, you get to partner with me on your new 7-figure business

SECURE YOUR SEAT IN a.i partner & profit NOW



*Now Available*

Instant Digital Download!


 Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You'll love our partnership or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy.

What Is A.I. Partner & Profit™? 

A.I. Partner & Profit™ is our never before released partnership program that allows anyone, anywhere, regardless of background, skill or experience to partner with a 7-Figure business owner and get their very own 7-Figure business powered by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), without doing any of the work...

That's can partner with a millionaire... 

And now is your chance to partner with me on one of my 10 highly profitable online businesses...where myself, my team and your very own "A.I. Partner" do all the work for you.

We create the product, we do all of the marketing, we do all of the selling, we do all of the customer service, and A.I. gets you all the traffic - you just collect payments.

Here's how it works:

Recently I launched a brand new 7-figure business that has already generated me over $438,364, here's the proof:
And now, today I am opening up access to you so you can partner with me and profit on that very same business. 

I'm giving you the opportunity to skip all the work and just do what works which is making money and what's more, I'll show you exactly how you can get A.I. to run this business for you and start making money as soon as today 

Here's why I'm doing this:

I remember how hard it was to catch a break online, having to learn everything, do everything and also have my 9-5. So this is my way of giving back to the newcomers in the industry who want to have a head start.

No more worrying about building Shopify stores, no more buying course after course after course teaching you how to build an online business, and no more wondering what you need to do to create a real business online because I've done all of that hard work building a 7 figure business so that you don't have to. 

So today is your chance to forget about all of that and focus on only what matters. 

Only what makes money. 

Only what people really want which is a business that makes money and funds your lifestyle without more than a couple of hours per day running it. 

Read on to learn more about how the A.I. Partner & Profit Program works...

A.I. Partner & Profit 
(Value $997) Just $19.95 Today

A Done-For-You AI-powered money making system where you can make up to $417.95 per sale without any of the work required to create your online business. 

High-Performance Habits (Value $67) Free Today

This audio program is designed to help you understand how high performing affiliates think so that you can get the same results that they do

Customer Service System (Value $297/mo.) Free Today

Never have to worry about replying to support tickets or customers again. Any problems your customers have get handled by us so you only have to worry about making money from the business not supporting the business.

SOP Simplification System (Value $97) Free Today

A complete step-by-step roadmap of how to run your very own A.I. Partner & Profit business. All of the steps are figured out so you don't have to know anything about the business to be able to successfully run the business.

Plug & Play Promotions
(Value $197) Free Today

Proven done for you promotions that you can use to promote your very own A.I. Partner & Profit business

A.I. Partner & Profit Playbook (Value $297) Free Today

Get started QUICKLY with this step-by-step guide

Easy Payment Processing (Value $497) Free Today

Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems - we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.

LIVE $400K Handover Session (Value $497) Free Today

Live Session with Michael Cheney where he will be handing over his entire $400K business to attendees


Claim Your Copy Today!

For a limited time only, you can order The A.I. Partner & Profit™ Program for only $19.95... and get all of the bonuses above included for FREE!

 Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.
You'll love the business or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy & all your bonuses. 

What Is A.I. Partner & Profit™? 

A.I. Partner & Profit™ is our never before released partnership program that allows anyone, anywhere, regardless of background, skill or experience to partner with a 7-Figure business owner and get their very own 7-Figure business powered by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), without doing any of the work...

That's can partner with a millionaire... 

And now is your chance to partner with me on one of my 10 highly profitable online businesses...where myself, my team and your very own "A.I. Partner" do all the work for you.

We create the product, we do all of the marketing, we do all of the selling, we do all of the customer service, and A.I. gets you all the traffic - you just collect payments.

Here's how it works:

Recently I launched a brand new 7-figure business that has already generated me over $438,364, here's the proof:
And now, today I am opening up access to you so you can partner with me and profit on that very same business. 

I'm giving you the opportunity to skip all the work and just do what works which is making money and what's more, I'll show you exactly how you can get A.I. to run this business for you and start making money as soon as today 

Here's why I'm doing this:

I remember how hard it was to catch a break online, having to learn everything, do everything and also have my 9-5. So this is my way of giving back to the newcomers in the industry who want to have a head start.

No more worrying about building Shopify stores, no more buying course after course after course teaching you how to build an online business, and no more wondering what you need to do to create a real business online because I've done all of that hard work building a 7 figure business so that you don't have to. 

So today is your chance to forget about all of that and focus on only what matters. 

Only what makes money. 

Only what people really want which is a business that makes money and funds your lifestyle without more than a couple of hours per day running it. 

Read on to learn more about how the A.I. Partner & Profit Program works...

A.I. Partner & Profit 
(Value $997) Just $19.95 Today

A Done-For-You AI-powered money making system where you can make up to $417.95 per sale without any of the work required to create your online business. 

High-Performance Habits (Value $67) Free Today

This audio program is designed to help you understand how high performing affiliates think so that you can get the same results that they do

Customer Service System (Value $297/mo.) Free Today

Never have to worry about replying to support tickets or customers again. Any problems your customers have get handled by us so you only have to worry about making money from the business not supporting the business.

SOP Simplification System (Value $97) Free Today

A complete step-by-step roadmap of how to run your very own A.I. Partner & Profit business. All of the steps are figured out so you don't have to know anything about the business to be able to successfully run the business.

Plug & Play Promotions
(Value $197) Free Today

Proven done for you promotions that you can use to promote your very own A.I. Partner & Profit business

A.I. Partner & Profit Playbook (Value $297) Free Today

Get started QUICKLY with this step-by-step guide

Easy Payment Processing (Value $497) Free Today

Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems - we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.

LIVE $400K Handover Session (Value $497) Free Today

Live Session with Michael Cheney where he will be handing over his entire $400K business to attendees

Claim Your Copy Today!

For a limited time only, you can order The A.I. Partner & Profit™ Program for only $19.95... and get all of the bonuses above included for FREE!

 Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.
You'll love the business or we'll give you your money back
AND let you keep your copy & all your bonuses. 

“Here's How Anyone, Anywhere, Regardless of Skills, Background or Experience Can Partner With A Real 7 Figure Online Business, Have A.I. Run It For You And... Pick Up 100% Of The Profits For Life”

Dear friend,

What if you could wave a magic wand, and get your hands on the same 7-figure business I use to generate endless profits, day after day after day?

And what if you could have A.I. run that business for you?

Just Like That… 

You Get My Multi-Million Dollar Business That Generates Me Stacks Of Cash  Each Year!

And, what if our waving this "magic wand" meant...

  • You don’t have to know any marketing…
  • You don't have to create a product...
  • You don't have to build an email list...
  • You don't have to create a youtube channel...
  • You don't have to create shopify stores,

And what's more... you don't have to do any social media marketing, or amazon FBA or buying crypto coins, or any of the hundreds of other ways people tell you that you can make money online.

And you don't even have to worry about what this business sells...

...And minute after minute…

Day after day…

The cash keeps coming, and you do literally… nothing — except promote a proven product in a proven A.I. Partner & Profit way, day in day out...

And you get paid...

...$100 / Day, $200 / Day, $300 / Day And Even $23,000 / Month?

More Proof

If you could wave a magic wand and get this result… would you want to?

Well, you can.

In a way,

because this is not some pipedream we're talking about, this really is going to happen:

I Am Going To Hand You The Keys To Partner With My Million Dollar Business…

And today I’ll actually let you take my businesses over.

…there's something you should know, though.

This is NOT for everybody.

I need to know that you have what it takes.

That you are truly ready to succeed with an internet business.

And that you truly want this.

I'm not looking for flash-in-the-pan types, or fly-by-nighters.

I'm looking for real partners who can actually take this business, grow it even further and sail off into the profits-laden sunset...

To Understand Why – You Should Know A Little About My Past…

...You see, I'm willing to bet that you and me, we're much alike...

I started out with very little, but always knew I wanted more.

Both my parents were teachers.

They were good people. But they were not wealthy and my childhood was happy but money was hard to come by.

When I grew up, I was determined I was going to get rich, or die trying.

(And I am alive now so you can guess how that worked out) ;-)

But back in the day, before I cracked the internet marketing code...

I Knew Two Things - One, I Was Broke As Hell.
And Two, One Day I Wouldn’t Be…

Because I had a crazy idea that just might work that would soon lead me to try and figure
out how to make money online and causing me to make the biggest mistake of my life and turning everything upside down.

Little did I know, that day came sooner than I ever thought possible because right now I’m
sitting here typing this letter for you. 

But It Wasn’t Always Like This "24 Years Ago I Was Just Like You..."

Hell, I was you!

Broke, desperate and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Buying product after product, reading email after email.

...scouring forum after forum.

I subscribed to countless email lists.

Desperately searching for anything or anyone that could help me,
and you know it’s easy to take advantage of those who are desperate and in need.

And at that point,

I was beyond desperate.

So I bought just about every how to make money online product.

I needed a win so bad.

I needed something, anything to pull me out of this vicious soul sucking cycle.

And that something finally happened the day

I flew down to London to meet a highly-successful Internet Marketer who had offered to mentor me...

We'll call him "Mr. X"...


"You Always Hear On The News Being Bought Out For Billions Of Dollars For Practically Doing Nothing!"

Like the guys who made Instagram, Tumblr, WhatsApp, MySpace, and even Facebook...

Something like 72% of newly minted tech millionaires came from startups.

Mr. X was one of those guys.

Smart as hell, a super high IQ, and an appetite for risk, and an ambition to take over the world...

..with a heart of gold.

Mr. X was just the type who wasn’t afraid of a challenge.

He was in town for a conference (which I couldn't afford a ticket for!)

...and we hung out for the short two hours he had before his flight back to the States.

As he showed me the ropes of what he learned in the internet marketing world, he showed me... to come up with new ideas, to take those ideas and make them reality.

Test them and blow them up, and in turn sell them for millions.

I’ve always secretly dreamed of having a track record of success like Mr. X.

Who hasn’t?

So I Soaked Up Every Drop Of Wisdom He Was Willing To Share...

As we sat in the foyer of his posh hotel, I took notebooks full of notes, we must have looked crazy to outsiders!

And even though I was already working 70 hour weeks,

I knew I had to start implementing what Mr. X was teaching me in the foyer of this London hotel.

The things that he was showing me were blowing my mind.

Things I had never seen or heard of before.

Things I didn’t even know were possible, where all you needed was one win.

Just one and be set for life.

And then, right at the last minute just before he was about to leave and catch his flight,

Mr. X let me in on something that would change my life forever.

A secret he had been holding back all along.

A secret that made Mr. X a certified millionaire,

...that let him drive a brand new $100,000 car, in the 45th penthouse in the city.

Own a cozy cabin retreat in the mountains.

An oceanfront beach house, all, even though he was just 31 years old.

With more money than he can spend in three lifetimes, he still wanted to give back to the less fortunate.

He still wanted to have a legacy of his own.

I guess he still wanted a way to change the world.

And his way of changing the world was to help others get to where he is in life.

The Secret He Shared With Me That Day Will Shock You To The Core, Because This Was The Secret Behind Every Guru’s Business!

The Secret Behind Every Billion Dollar Dot Com Startup...

Behind Instagram selling for one billion.

YouTube selling for 1.65 billion.

The secret behind WhatsApp selling for 19 billion.

Behind MySpace selling for 580 million, and making Facebook worth $160 billion.

The secret behind companies whose products and services you use every single day even
right now. 

The Secret Is How To Get Anyone, Anywhere To Any Website And Have Them Spend Money On Anything You Wanted... 

He told me how some of the tech startups were worth hundreds and millions of dollars he
was working with already had it figured out and were using it.

The secret of making millions of dollars in cold hard cash, without anyone suspecting a thing, and that’s when I realized that this was my only way out.

Out of my dead end job, my dead end life.

My only shot at making something of myself while I still had the chance.

...It Was Now Or Never!

Knowing that this was my only chance I quit my soul sucking dead end job.

As soon as I walked out one thing was pretty clear,

I was alone because no one believed in me.

Not my parents.

Not my friends.

Everyone Thought...

I Was Either Crazy Or I Wouldn’t Make It But
I Was Determined To Prove Them All Wrong!

So I put everything else on hold and started my internet marketing company.

And starting a company is a lot harder than you think,

...because to run a company requires money,

...lots of money which I didn’t have.

So to fund it all I did the only thing I could.

More Proof

I maxed out my credit cards,

...took out the little savings I had,

...and somehow scraped together $5,918

My girlfriend, Laura, and I locked ourselves away in my tiny one-bed apartment and began "Operation Breakthrough".

We were determined to never leave the "pain cave" until we had made the breakthrough which finally made money online.

We started a total of 27 projects...27!

Can you believe that,

...and guess what?

I Know At This Point You’re Expecting Me To Say Something Like...

"How we figured it
all out and got rich..."

Nope! Every single one of these projects we started failed.

They all failed miserably.

Every single one of them.

The first thing we tried was creating masses of content online and sticking Google Ads on the web pages.

We became obsessed.

We saw some success and we were excited about it,

...thinking it was going to be everything that we always wanted.

We were going to be famous, and we were already counting our millions.

Retirement didn’t seem too far off.

After all, we were able to get a ton of people to our website using all the traffic methods we'd learned,

...and some were actually clicking ads and making us money, but what happened next blew my mind. 

Just When Things Were Getting Good, Just When We Started To See The Cash Trickle Into Our Bank Accounts…

Google banned us because they didn’t like the content we were writing, so it was against their terms and conditions.

And from that point on, we were the unluckiest people ever.

Everything we touched turned to crap.

Failure after failure.

Our next 26 projects we tried, each failed worse that the other.

We tried making money with:



 Twitter / X



 Network Marketing


...and nothing worked!

I couldn’t figure out how the gurus were doing it.

And We Were About To Close Up Shop And
Call It Quits After Failing 27 Times In A Row.

Laura was threatening to leave me, it was so stressful,

...and I sold the rest of my possessions to keep the lights on.

I even spent the last three months working at internet cafes because I couldn’t cover the internet bill.

Until one day...hunched over our laptops at the café,

...tirelessly beating the keys on the keyboard,

Trying to build something to pull us out of this black hole…

Churning out line after line of code…

Trying to catch our lucky break…

Working overtime fueled by so much caffeine that it would put down an elephant.

It was about 9PM on a Saturday night in March,

...and I walked up to the counter to get another cup of coffee.

With bags under my eyes I looked around,

...and I saw four people waiting in line ahead of me.

And my tired girlfriend, Laura, was sitting grumpily in our corner of the coffee shop, with a pile of empty coffee cups spread all around her.

And at that moment I felt as if time froze as I came to a shocking realization.

A realization that would change the course of everything that we’ve done up to this point.

A realization that Mr. X had it all wrong and that the gurus were lying to us from day one.

You see…

Up To This Point We Were Trying To Make Money Creating Product After Product That Were Designed For The Regular Internet...

Where the money was long gone…

And as I stood there looking around that café that day,

when we were on the brink of total complete failure I noticed the person running the Starbucks...

There were younger than I was. Younger even than my girlfriend!

And that’s it, that’s when my world came crashing down,

...and I experienced the biggest panic attack in my life.

My heart started beating faster and faster as I felt the anxiety running through my body,

...and I instantly had that sinking feeling in my stomach.

Could we ever recover from this?

Because all along we were trying to build an online business, that focused on the old way of making money online, creating your own products and assets - which takes THOUSANDS of hours of work.

...and that’s when the light went off. 

We Were Working On The
Wrong Thing All Along 😢

Oh it gets worse…

Because even though I'd spent thousands of hours trying to create my own products to sell (and failed!) I was missing something HUGE...

And here, in Starbucks, looking at the young business owner in front of me

It was staring me in the face.

Can you guess what it was?

Here’s a hint.

Last year was responsible for $860.1 billion in sales.

And this month it’s already generated 74.9 billion dollars 😲

And as a matter of fact it’s an underground industry most people don’t even know exist.

But, the few that do are quietly making money like this.

And we’re not talking about corporate fat cats and billion dollar companies. 

We’re Talking Little Guys - Like You And Me,

...Because Those Accounts You Just Saw, The Accounts That Showed Up To $438,364.60

$14,370 and 25 cents in a week…

$2,052 and 89 cents in a day were all mine.

And you know what?

Since you started reading this letter,

I’m guessing that a little over $10,369,284 has already exchanged hands in this hidden industry and I collected my fair share.

Since you just heard about all this, the chances are you didn’t but you will.

But, only if you pay attention to what I’m about to tell you next.

So as I headed back to our corner with the look of shock in my face,

...and I remember saying to Laura…

And Guess What?

I Think I Have A Solution For All Of This.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

"Look around and notice that person behind the counter".

"Look how old he is. He owns this Starbucks and keeps all the money from it..."

"Wouldn’t it be crazy if we took these 27 ideas that we had that failed and applied them to what that cafe-owner is doing".

You think it would work?

Laura looked at me and I could tell she was skeptical,

...that the idea was so crazy it might just work…

And after all…

I didn’t have anything to lose since I was down to my last $72 in my company bank

Little did we know that what we were about to build would cause one of the biggest rifts in the tech industry since the dot com crash of 2001…

And, take a virtually unknown nearly bankrupt duo of overworked dreamers...

...and cement them into underground business legends.

It would go down in history as the most powerful concept you never heard of.

That we used to generate hundreds and thousands of dollars per year,

...all by tapping into a $860 BILLION industry around the world.

What Was The Idea?

I will demonstrate it
for you in just a second.

But first let me tell you about how this one simple idea changed everything.

So, in the next 24 hours Laura and I worked tirelessly around the clock to take the best ideas out of our 27 failed projects…

Put them together into one working prototype based on this new idea…

This was no easy feat, and early on we ran into some extreme problems

...and thought this would end up being failure number 28.

But this was it, we had nothing else and had nowhere to go, so we kept at it.

After the third day of working tirelessly…

A Single Mistake I Made...

Caused The Whole Project To Collapse
And Render It Completely Useless...

This was it.

We were done.

Laura walked out... (I thought she was gone forever, but I'm happy to tell you she came back and is now my wife!)

She couldn’t take the pressure and I couldn’t take it either,

...and I had no choice.

My entire life was invested into this single moment and I was left alone to see it through.

So in the next 19 hours,

...fueled by massive quantities of caffeine, leftover pizza and my last shreds of determination and dignity I worked.

I worked like I never worked before in my life.

Something came over me and it was like something took control of me.

Energy poured out from my fingers to the keyboard, to the screen and into my phone...

...and into the vast space of the internet

Thursday morning at 01:15 AM,

...while the rest of the world was quietly sleeping I sat there fighting for not only for my life and future.

But for the future of Laura, my as yet unborn children and everyone else who stood to benefit
from our creation.

And with the last ounce of energy I connected my computer to my phone and hit the go button...

...and crashed out on the couch for the next 15 hours.

I slept like a baby…

...better than I had in years because if it didn’t work I knew I gave it all I had, everything.

And I knew I gave it my best shot.

And when I opened my eyes,

Laura had come back into the apartment and was huddled over my laptop...

...laughing hysterically.

“Holy! I can’t believe you did it! it’s actually working.”

She said;

“This Is Going To Change Everything.”



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

I glanced at the clock and noticed that 15 hours flew by, and in those 15 hours we had generated 8,482 visitors...

We made more money than we made in the past 15 months combined.

We made $2,842 and 84 cents doing nothing.

But here’s the crazy part.

The full project wasn’t even finished.

We still had two more parts to finish. 

You’ll See Those In A Second,

But Before That, I Never Did Tell You What All This Is About Did I?

What was so special about the guy running the Starbucks café?

What was this underground industry that most people don’t know exist?

What was it that generated $860.1 billion last year?

More than $74.9 Billion this month this month alone, and generated over $10,369,284 since you started reading this letter.

What was it that allowed us to make more money in 15 hours than we had in the last 15

It’s something by the end of this letter, you’re going to have in your possession.

And within 48 hours from now, you’ll be well on your way to make money online.

That something is the power of leveraging the existing money-making success of proven systems - also known as a FRANCHISE!

Yes, you keep ALL the money from an existing business where all the marketing, product creation and fulfilment is either already done or done-for-you by A.I.

But not the kind that you’ve ever seen before.

Not the kind where you have to hire top end programmers and designer teams to create it.

In fact, you don’t have to create anything at all.

No, this is something completely different - something new.

Something that doesn’t require you to have any experience.

In Fact,

If You Can Use A Phone, Then You Can Make Money From This!

And even though you’ll be able to make money with this it doesn’t mean you should, not everyone is going to get access.

And even though there is enough money to go around, 


We Have Limited Capacity

But if you were invited here then listen closely.

What I’m about to share with you could change your life for the better.
I know you’ve been trying to make money online for months or years,

...and I know nothing has worked out for you,

So let me ask you a quick question…

What if there was a way that you could finally win for once?

What if a way existed for you to do what we’ve done,

...without experiencing any of our failures?

Without needing our experience or skills, to be able to create multiple streams of income.

And what if it would pay you over and over again

...month after month,

...year after year for years to come.

Something that will allow you to take all the guesswork and failure out of the picture.

Leaving you to do one thing and one thing only... COLLECT CASH!

By way of a powerful proprietary system that allows you to copy a special type of business,

...that’s fused into a profit-generating campaign all in under 15 minutes.

But not just any website and campaign,

...a system specifically designed to extract money on complete autopilot, using A.I.

So let’s say,

if just ones of these special types of campaigns maybe makes just $10 per day it wouldn’t seem like much right?

But Let Me Ask You A
Hypothetical Question.

What if you had the power to create hundreds,

...even thousands of these $10 a day campaigns,

...each in less time it would take for you to make a pot of coffee how many would you create?

Listen, these aren’t normal campaigns.

They’re both to do two things and two things only.

One, to work on every single website visitor in existence (all the traffic generated by A.I.)

And two, to generate as much money as possible from each of those visitors.


And In Just A Second I’m Going To Give You The Entire Business


You really are getting to copy my entire 7 figure business and PARTNER with me in it for just a few bucks.

This is hands-down the most-incredible opportunity I have ever made available in my 20+ years of running successful internet businesses.

Chances like this are few and far between.

You need to seize this opportunity right now - today.

By now, you are likely chomping at the bit to by this - I know I would be if I wanted an easy solution to making money online.

But first, maybe you are thinking...

And How Is All This Possible?

Actually, it’s easy, because the system you just witnessed does it all for you.

It takes away you having to have any marketing skills,

...having to create any website, having to learn programming, graphic design, or learn anything at all.

And you don’t even need an office.

All you need is this system, 5 to 15 minutes per day, and you can be doing this right at home.

Sitting at your kitchen table every morning,

...and take the rest of the day off to do exactly what you want to do.

You can spend as much time as you want with your kids,

...spend time traveling, drive your brand-new car.

Finally, enjoy your life for once like it’s meant to be enjoyed.

More Proof

Now, Before You Start Counting All That Cold Hard Cash That’s Going To Pour Into Your Bank Account...

I Need To Tell You Something, And You’re Not Going To Like It.

In fact, you just might hate me for it.

And before I can give you access to this incredible system that you’ve just seen in action,
there is something you need to know.

When we created A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT, we didn’t create it for you.

We created it for us.

Not because we wanted it but because we desperately needed it.

Our very own survival depended on it,

...and that’s why we built it to be used by no more than a small handful of people at any given time.

This means we can only give out any few licenses, and then will have to close the doors
and take this down.

But since you’re still here reading this,

...then there still might be a chance for you to get in,

...and you just might be one of the lucky ones.

And if you are, once you get inside A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT’ll have access to a system that’s so powerful, that once released to the public, will forever change how money is made online.

The rest of the world will have chance to get access to this, and a chance to make money like this.

So Before You Get Instant Access, Let Me Ask You A Question…

If you made just one tenth of a percent of the $860 Billion market out there…

How much would that be worth?

Just being able to get one tenth of one percent

...would give you over $8,600,000.

What if you could make one tenth of that or one one hundredth?

More Proof

One hundred thousandth of a percent?

That would be $86,000 per year.

...and $7166 a month just by making a measly one hundred thousandth of a percent

Could you find a way to use an extra $86,000 right now?

Remember, that’s only one hundred thousandth of a percent

Would an entire month's income literally at a push of a few buttons have a positive impact on your life,

...because if you can’t begin to make money today with the help of this automated system, then this probably something wrong with you.

The Possibilities Are Endless,

Because There’s Literally Nobody Else
Out There Who Has Figured This Out...

Honestly, giving this away could backfire on me.

It’s so powerful it could end up being like giving a baby a gun.

That’s why, in order to protect your income streams and gives you a massive on unfair advantage over the next 11 months,

...while limiting the chances the wrong person getting a hold of this,

...and strictly limiting who gets the opportunity to crush it, and

Pull in massive paydays with this breakthrough system.

NO exceptions, NO BS.

And strictly limiting access to the A.I. Partner & Profit to a small group of select individuals,
savvy enough and smart enough to recognize a sure thing when they see it.

But this is an extremely limited opportunity for those that take action immediately while this page is still up.

That’s the good news.

The Bad News Is,

Please Don’t Grab A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT
Unless You Can Promise Me Two Things:

Number one, you have to promise that you’ll use it.


You just witnessed firsthand what the A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT system can do.

It works!

And I didn’t invite you here to waste my time on tire kickers who are just going to sit on this

So if you are just some tire kicker,

...who would rather whine and complain about being poor than actually do something,
then this isn’t for you.

And I would just like you to leave this page and never come back because I know for every tire kicker.

There are 50 action takers right behind him,

...who are chomping at the bit,

...and salivating over the mountain of profits they can make when they put instant income code into action.

If you’re the kind of person who can’t even follow basic steps to make a ton of money,
you’re not the type of person I want to work with.

Number two, you have to promise me you won’t use the system for unethical promises.

It’s that dangerous, and it’s that powerful.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Now That We’ve Gotten That Out Of The Way,

Let’s Skip Down To Brass Tacks

Honestly, with the amount of cash that you are being set up with to make with A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT, it would be a steal for me to offer you this for thousands of dollars.

But you know what?

I don’t want you to pay thousands.

Or even hundreds.

Okay, I know that sounds crazy,

I had to fail 27 times,

...and spend over $36,000 to get this system developed,

...and I know full well that I can sell out every copy in a heartbeat, at $1,997 and still have thousands of people...

...pounding on my door and begging to get in.

But do you know what?



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For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

This Was Never About Money For Me...

It’s about getting back at the gurus for ripping me off when I was at my lowest point.


I’m set.

I don’t need to worry about money ever again, it doesn’t matter to me one iota what you pay to get in on this today.

But it does matter to me that you get out of the guru scammer trap.

Get the money you’ve wanted for so long and finally get the freedom that you deserve.

So the A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT won’t cost you $1,197.

  • It won’t cost you $797.
  • It won’t cost you $197.
  • It won’t cost you anywhere near that...

Claim Your Digital License Today



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

To John Crosbie, Freedom Meant
Making $13,975 In Just 6 Days...

To Ben Martin, This Meant
$78,767.90 In Just 90 Days...

To Naidi, It Meant He Tripled His Income Overnight And Made $2,000 In Just 4 Days...

Or Cliff Lynch Who's First Taste Of Online Success Was How I Showed Him And He Said "Michael Cheney Made Me $616.54..."


I could go on and on – we each have a different idea of what success is and whatever success means to you, it’s important.

Financial success... time-freedom to do what you want... these things are critical.

But forget about all that.

Yes, I’ve succeeded in many ways, and that's nice.

And so have the students who came before you.

But what about you?

We Have Others...

who came to this page before you and are already running this business on their own

And these are not experts...just everyday good salt of the earth folks just like you...

...From all sorts of experiences and backgrounds, such as...



 ​Fire Fighters






 Personal Trainers

 Military Veterans

 ​​Car Salesmen

 Insurance Agents

 ​Small Business Owners

 ​Stock Brokers

And now I want to help you finally Launch your very own
7-figure business

Claim Your Digital License Today


Partner, Profit & Launch Your
7-Figure Business Today...

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

“Here's How Anyone, Anywhere, Regardless of Skills, Background or Experience Can Partner With A Real 7 Figure Online Business, Have A.I. Run It For You And... Pick Up 100% Of The Profits For Life”

Dear friend,

What if you could wave a magic wand, and get your hands on the same 7-figure business I use to generate endless profits, day after day after day?

And what if you could have A.I. run that business for you?

Just Like That… 

You Get My Multi-Million Dollar Business That Generates Me Stacks Of Cash  Each Year!

And, what if our waving this "magic wand" meant...

  • You don’t have to know any marketing…
  • You don't have to create a product...
  • You don't have to build an email list...
  • You don't have to create a youtube channel...
  • You don't have to create shopify stores,

And what's more... you don't have to do any social media marketing, or amazon FBA or buying crypto coins, or any of the hundreds of other ways people tell you that you can make money online.

And you don't even have to worry about what this business sells...

...And minute after minute…

Day after day…

The cash keeps coming, and you do literally… nothing — except promote a proven product in a proven A.I. Partner & Profit way, day in day out...

And you get paid...

...$100 / Day, $200 / Day, $300 / Day And Even $23,000 / Month?

More Proof

If you could wave a magic wand and get this result… would you want to?

Well, you can.

In a way,

because this is not some pipedream we're talking about, this really is going to happen:

I Am Going To Hand You The Keys To
Partner With My Million Dollar Business…

And today I’ll actually let you take my businesses over.

…there's something you should know, though.

This is NOT for everybody.

I need to know that you have what it takes.

That you are truly ready to succeed with an internet business.

And that you truly want this.

I'm not looking for flash-in-the-pan types, or fly-by-nighters.

I'm looking for real partners who can actually take this business, grow it even further and sail off into the profits-laden sunset...

To Understand Why – You Should
Know A Little About My Past…

...You see, I'm willing to bet that you and me, we're much alike...

I started out with very little, but always knew I wanted more.

Both my parents were teachers.

They were good people. But they were not wealthy and my childhood was happy but money was hard to come by.

When I grew up, I was determined I was going to get rich, or die trying.

(And I am alive now so you can guess how that worked out) ;-)

But back in the day, before I cracked the internet marketing code...

I Knew Two Things - One, I Was Broke As Hell.
And Two, One Day I Wouldn’t Be…

Because I had a crazy idea that just might work that would soon lead me to try and figure
out how to make money online and causing me to make the biggest mistake of my life and turning everything upside down.

Little did I know, that day came sooner than I ever thought possible because right now I’m
sitting here typing this letter for you. 

But It Wasn’t Always Like This
"24 Years Ago I Was Just Like You..."

Hell, I was you!

Broke, desperate and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Buying product after product, reading email after email.

...scouring forum after forum.

I subscribed to countless email lists.

Desperately searching for anything or anyone that could help me,
and you know it’s easy to take advantage of those who are desperate and in need.

And at that point,

I was beyond desperate.

So I bought just about every how to make money online product.

I needed a win so bad.

I needed something, anything to pull me out of this vicious soul sucking cycle.

And that something finally happened the day

I flew down to London to meet a highly-successful Internet Marketer who had offered to mentor me...

We'll call him "Mr. X"...

You Know Those Techy Guys
Who Start Online Companies?

"You Always Hear On The News Being Bought Out For Billions Of Dollars For Practically Doing Nothing!"

Like the guys who made Instagram, Tumblr, WhatsApp, MySpace, and even Facebook...

Something like 72% of newly minted tech millionaires came from startups.

Mr. X was one of those guys.

Smart as hell, a super high IQ, and an appetite for risk, and an ambition to take over the world...

..with a heart of gold.

Mr. X was just the type who
wasn’t afraid of a challenge.

He was in town for a conference (which I couldn't afford a ticket for!)

...and we hung out for the short two hours he had before his flight back to the States.

As he showed me the ropes of what he learned in the internet marketing world, he showed me... to come up with new ideas, to take those ideas and make them reality.

Test them and blow them up, and in turn sell them for millions.

I’ve always secretly dreamed of having a track record of success like Mr. X.

Who hasn’t?

So I Soaked Up Every Drop Of Wisdom
He Was Willing To Share...

As we sat in the foyer of his posh hotel, I took notebooks full of notes, we must have looked crazy to outsiders!

And even though I was already working 70 hour weeks,

I knew I had to start implementing what Mr. X was teaching me in the foyer of this London hotel.

The things that he was showing me were blowing my mind.

Things I had never seen or heard of before.

Things I didn’t even know were possible, where all you needed was one win.

Just one and be set for life.

And then, right at the last minute just before he was about to leave and catch his flight,

Mr. X let me in on something that would change my life forever.

A secret he had been holding back all along.

A secret that made Mr. X a certified millionaire,

...that let him drive a brand new $100,000 car, in the 45th penthouse in the city.

Own a cozy cabin retreat in the mountains.

An oceanfront beach house, all, even though he was just 31 years old.

With more money than he can spend in three lifetimes, he still wanted to give back to the less fortunate.

He still wanted to have a legacy of his own.

I guess he still wanted a way to change the world.

And his way of changing the world was to help others get to where he is in life.

The Secret He Shared With Me That Day Will Shock You To The Core, Because This Was The Secret Behind Every Guru’s Business!

The Secret Behind Every Billion Dollar Dot Com Startup...

Behind Instagram selling for one billion.

YouTube selling for 1.65 billion.

The secret behind WhatsApp selling for 19 billion.

Behind MySpace selling for 580 million, and making Facebook worth $160 billion.

The secret behind companies whose products and services you use every single day even
right now. 

The Secret Is How To Get Anyone, Anywhere To Any Website And Have Them Spend Money On Anything You Wanted... 

He told me how some of the tech startups were worth hundreds and millions of dollars he
was working with already had it figured out and were using it.

The secret of making millions of dollars in cold hard cash, without anyone suspecting a thing, and that’s when I realized that this was my only way out.

Out of my dead end job, my dead end life.

My only shot at making something of myself while I still had the chance.

...It Was Now Or Never!

Knowing that this was my only chance I quit my soul sucking dead end job.

As soon as I walked out one thing was pretty clear,

I was alone because no one believed in me.

Not my parents.

Not my friends.

Everyone Thought...

I Was Either Crazy Or I Wouldn’t Make It But
I Was Determined To Prove Them All Wrong!

So I put everything else on hold and started my internet marketing company.

And starting a company is a lot harder than you think,

...because to run a company requires money,

...lots of money which I didn’t have.

So to fund it all I did the only thing I could.

More Proof

I maxed out my credit cards,

...took out the little savings I had,

...and somehow scraped together $5,918

My girlfriend, Laura, and I locked ourselves away in my tiny one-bed apartment and began "Operation Breakthrough".

We were determined to never leave the "pain cave" until we had made the breakthrough which finally made money online.

We started a total of 27 projects...27!

Can you believe that,

...and guess what?

I Know At This Point You’re
Expecting Me To Say Something Like...

"How we figured it all out and got rich..."

Nope! Every single one of these projects we started failed.

They all failed miserably.

Every single one of them.

The first thing we tried was creating masses of content online and sticking Google Ads on the web pages.

We became obsessed.

We saw some success and we were excited about it,

...thinking it was going to be everything that we always wanted.

We were going to be famous, and we were already counting our millions.

Retirement didn’t seem too far off.

After all, we were able to get a ton of people to our website using all the traffic methods we'd learned,

...and some were actually clicking ads and making us money, but what happened next blew my mind. 

Just When Things Were Getting Good,
Just When We Started To See The Cash
Trickle Into Our Bank Accounts…

Google banned us because they didn’t like the content we were writing, so it was against their terms and conditions.

And from that point on, we were the unluckiest people ever.

Everything we touched turned to crap.

Failure after failure.

Our next 26 projects we tried, each failed worse that the other.

We tried making money with:



 Twitter / X



 Network Marketing


...and nothing worked!

I couldn’t figure out how the gurus were doing it.

And We Were About To Close Up Shop And
Call It Quits After Failing 27 Times In A Row.

Laura was threatening to leave me, it was so stressful,

...and I sold the rest of my possessions to keep the lights on.

I even spent the last three months working at internet cafes because I couldn’t cover the internet bill.

Until one day...hunched over our laptops at the café,

...tirelessly beating the keys on the keyboard,

Trying to build something to pull us out of this black hole…

Churning out line after line of code…

Trying to catch our lucky break…

Working overtime fueled by so much caffeine that it would put down an elephant.

It was about 9PM on a Saturday night in March,

...and I walked up to the counter to get another cup of coffee.

With bags under my eyes I looked around,

...and I saw four people waiting in line ahead of me.

And my tired girlfriend, Laura, was sitting grumpily in our corner of the coffee shop, with a pile of empty coffee cups spread all around her.

And at that moment I felt as if time froze as I came to a shocking realization.

A realization that would change the course of everything that we’ve done up to this point.

A realization that Mr. X had it all wrong and that the gurus were lying to us from day one.

You see…

Up To This Point We Were Trying To Make Money Creating Product After Product That Were Designed For The Regular Internet...

Where the money was long gone…

And as I stood there looking around that café that day,

when we were on the brink of total complete failure I noticed the person running the Starbucks...

There were younger than I was. Younger even than my girlfriend!

And that’s it, that’s when my world came crashing down,

...and I experienced the biggest panic attack in my life.

My heart started beating faster and faster as I felt the anxiety running through my body,

...and I instantly had that sinking feeling in my stomach.

Could we ever recover from this?

Because all along we were trying to build an online business, that focused on the old way of making money online, creating your own products and assets - which takes THOUSANDS of hours of work.

...and that’s when the light went off. 

We Were Working On The
Wrong Thing All Along 😢

Oh it gets worse…

Because even though I'd spent thousands of hours trying to create my own products to sell (and failed!) I was missing something HUGE...

And here, in Starbucks, looking at the young business owner in front of me

It was staring me in the face.

Can you guess what it was?

Here’s a hint.

Last year was responsible for $860.1 billion in sales.

And this month it’s already generated 74.9 billion dollars 😲

And as a matter of fact it’s an underground industry most people don’t even know exist.

But, the few that do are quietly making money like this.

And we’re not talking about corporate fat cats and billion dollar companies. 

We’re Talking Little Guys - Like You And Me,

...Because Those Accounts You Just Saw,
The Accounts That Showed Up To $438,364.60

$14,370 and 25 cents in a week…

$2,052 and 89 cents in a day were all mine.

And you know what?

Since you started reading this letter,

I’m guessing that a little over $10,369,284 has already exchanged hands in this hidden industry and I collected my fair share.

Since you just heard about all this, the chances are you didn’t but you will.

But, only if you pay attention to what I’m about to tell you next.

So as I headed back to our corner with the look of shock in my face,

...and I remember saying to Laura…

And Guess What?

I Think I Have Solution For All Of This.



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"Look around and notice that person behind the counter".

"Look how old he is. He owns this Starbucks and keeps all the money from it..."

"Wouldn’t it be crazy if we took these 27 ideas that we had that failed and applied them to what that cafe-owner is doing".

You think it would work?

Laura looked at me and I could tell she was skeptical,

...that the idea was so crazy it might just work…

And after all…

I didn’t have anything to lose since I was down to my last $72 in my company bank

Little did we know that what we were about to build would cause one of the biggest rifts in the tech industry since the dot com crash of 2001…

And, take a virtually unknown nearly bankrupt duo of overworked dreamers...

...and cement them into underground business legends.

It would go down in history as the most powerful concept you never heard of.

That we used to generate hundreds and thousands of dollars per year,

...all by tapping into a $860 BILLION industry around the world.

What Was The Idea?

I will demonstrate it
for you in just a second.

But first let me tell you about how this one simple idea changed everything.

So, in the next 24 hours Laura and I worked tirelessly around the clock to take the best ideas out of our 27 failed projects…

Put them together into one working prototype based on this new idea…

This was no easy feat, and early on we ran into some extreme problems

...and thought this would end up being failure number 28.

But this was it, we had nothing else and had nowhere to go, so we kept at it.

After the third day of working tirelessly…

A Single Mistake I Made...

Caused The Whole Project To Collapse
And Render It Completely Useless...

This was it.

We were done.

Laura walked out... (I thought she was gone forever, but I'm happy to tell you she came back and is now my wife!)

She couldn’t take the pressure and I couldn’t take it either,

...and I had no choice.

My entire life was invested into this single moment and I was left alone to see it through.

So in the next 19 hours,

...fueled by massive quantities of caffeine, leftover pizza and my last shreds of determination and dignity I worked.

I worked like I never worked before in my life.

Something came over me and it was like something took control of me.

Energy poured out from my fingers to the keyboard, to the screen and into my phone...

...and into the vast space of the internet

Thursday morning at 01:15 AM,

...while the rest of the world was quietly sleeping I sat there fighting for not only for my life and future.

But for the future of Laura, my as yet unborn children and everyone else who stood to benefit
from our creation.

And with the last ounce of energy I connected my computer to my phone and hit the go button...

...and crashed out on the couch for the next 15 hours.

I slept like a baby…

...better than I had in years because if it didn’t work I knew I gave it all I had, everything.

And I knew I gave it my best shot.

And when I opened my eyes,

Laura had come back into the apartment and was huddled over my laptop...

...laughing hysterically.

“Holy! I can’t believe you did it! it’s actually working.”

She said;

“This Is Going To Change Everything.”



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

I glanced at the clock and noticed that 15 hours flew by, and in those 15 hours we had generated 8,482 visitors...

We made more money than we made in the past 15 months combined.

We made $2,842 and 84 cents doing nothing.

But here’s the crazy part.

The full project wasn’t even finished.

We still had two more parts to finish. 

You’ll See Those In A Second,

But Before That, I Never Did Tell
You What All This Is About Did I?

What was so special about the guy running the Starbucks café?

What was this underground industry that most people don’t know exist?

What was it that generated $860.1 billion last year?

More than $74.9 Billion this month this month alone, and generated over $10,369,284 since you started reading this letter.

What was it that allowed us to make more money in 15 hours than we had in the last 15

It’s something by the end of this letter, you’re going to have in your possession.

And within 48 hours from now, you’ll be well on your way to make money online.

That something is the power of leveraging the existing money-making success of proven systems - also known as a FRANCHISE!

Yes, you keep ALL the money from an existing business where all the marketing, product creation and fulfilment is either already done or done-for-you by A.I.

But not the kind that you’ve ever seen before.

Not the kind where you have to hire top end programmers and designer teams to create it.

In fact, you don’t have to create anything at all.

No, this is something completely different - something new.

Something that doesn’t require you to have any experience.

In Fact,

If You Can Use A Phone, Then
You Can Make Money From This!

And even though you’ll be able to make money with this it doesn’t mean you should, not everyone is going to get access.

And even though there is enough money to go around, 


We Have Limited Capacity

But if you were invited here then listen closely.

What I’m about to share with you could change your life for the better.
I know you’ve been trying to make money online for months or years,

...and I know nothing has worked out for you,

So let me ask you a quick question…

What if there was a way that you could finally win for once?

What if a way existed for you to do what we’ve done,

...without experiencing any of our failures?

Without needing our experience or skills, to be able to create multiple streams of income.

And what if it would pay you over and over again

...month after month,

...year after year for years to come.

Something that will allow you to take all the guesswork and failure out of the picture.

Leaving you to do one thing and one thing only... COLLECT CASH!

By way of a powerful proprietary system that allows you to copy a special type of business,

...that’s fused into a profit-generating campaign all in under 15 minutes.

But not just any website and campaign,

...a system specifically designed to extract money on complete autopilot, using A.I.

So let’s say,

if just ones of these special types of campaigns maybe makes just $10 per day it wouldn’t seem like much right?

But Let Me Ask You A
Hypothetical Question.

What if you had the power to create hundreds,

...even thousands of these $10 a day campaigns,

...each in less time it would take for you to make a pot of coffee how many would you create?

Listen, these aren’t normal campaigns.

They’re both to do two things and two things only.

One, to work on every single website visitor in existence (all the traffic generated by A.I.)

And two, to generate as much money as possible from each of those visitors.


And In Just A Second I’m Going To Give You The Entire Business


You really are getting to copy my entire 7 figure business and PARTNER with me in it for just a few bucks.

This is hands-down the most-incredible opportunity I have ever made available in my 20+ years of running successful internet businesses.

Chances like this are few and far between.

You need to seize this opportunity right now - today.

By now, you are likely chomping at the bit to by this - I know I would be if I wanted an easy solution to making money online.

But first, maybe you are thinking...

And How Is All This Possible?

Actually, it’s easy, because the system you just witnessed does it all for you.

It takes away you having to have any marketing skills,

...having to create any website, having to learn programming, graphic design, or learn anything at all.

And you don’t even need an office.

All you need is this system, 5 to 15 minutes per day, and you can be doing this right at home.

Sitting at your kitchen table every morning,

...and take the rest of the day off to do exactly what you want to do.

You can spend as much time as you want with your kids,

...spend time traveling, drive your brand-new car.

Finally, enjoy your life for once like it’s meant to be enjoyed.

More Proof

Now, Before You Start Counting All That Cold Hard Cash That’s Going To Pour Into Your Bank Account...

I Need To Tell You Something, And You’re Not Going To Like It.

In fact, you just might hate me for it.

And before I can give you access to this incredible system that you’ve just seen in action,
there is something you need to know.

When we created A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT, we didn’t create it for you.

We created it for us.

Not because we wanted it but because we desperately needed it.

Our very own survival depended on it,

...and that’s why we built it to be used by no more than a small handful of people at any given time.

This means we can only give out any few licenses, and then will have to close the doors
and take this down.

But since you’re still here reading this,

...then there still might be a chance for you to get in,

...and you just might be one of the lucky ones.

And if you are, once you get inside A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT’ll have access to a system that’s so powerful, that once released to the public, will forever change how money is made online.

The rest of the world will have chance to get access to this, and a chance to make money like this.

So Before You Get Instant Access,
Let Me Ask You A Question…

If you made just one tenth of a percent of the $860 Billion market out there…

How much would that be worth?

Just being able to get one tenth of one percent

...would give you over $8,600,000.

What if you could make one tenth of that or one one hundredth?

More Proof

One hundred thousandth of a percent?

That would be $86,000 per year.

...and $7166 a month just by making a measly one hundred thousandth of a percent

Could you find a way to use an extra $86,000 right now?

Remember, that’s only one hundred thousandth of a percent

Would an entire month's income literally at a push of a few buttons have a positive impact on your life,

...because if you can’t begin to make money today with the help of this automated system, then this probably something wrong with you.

The Possibilities Are Endless,

Because There’s Literally Nobody Else
Out There Who Has Figured This Out...

Honestly, giving this away could backfire on me.

It’s so powerful it could end up being like giving a baby a gun.

That’s why, in order to protect your income streams and gives you a massive on unfair advantage over the next 11 months,

...while limiting the chances the wrong person getting a hold of this,

...and strictly limiting who gets the opportunity to crush it, and

Pull in massive paydays with this breakthrough system.

NO exceptions, NO BS.

And strictly limiting access to the A.I. Partner & Profit to a small group of select individuals,
savvy enough and smart enough to recognize a sure thing when they see it.

But this is an extremely limited opportunity for those that take action immediately while this page is still up.

That’s the good news.

The Bad News Is,

Please Don’t Grab A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT
Unless You Can Promise Me Two Things:

Number one, you have to promise that you’ll use it.


You just witnessed firsthand what the A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT system can do.

It works!

And I didn’t invite you here to waste my time on tire kickers who are just going to sit on this

So if you are just some tire kicker,

...who would rather whine and complain about being poor than actually do something,
then this isn’t for you.

And I would just like you to leave this page and never come back because I know for every tire kicker.

There are 50 action takers right behind him,

...who are chomping at the bit,

...and salivating over the mountain of profits they can make when they put instant income code into action.

If you’re the kind of person who can’t even follow basic steps to make a ton of money,
you’re not the type of person I want to work with.

Number two, you have to promise me you won’t use the system for unethical promises.

It’s that dangerous, and it’s that powerful.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Now That We’ve Gotten That Out Of The Way,

Let’s Skip Down To Brass Tacks

Honestly, with the amount of cash that you are being set up with to make with A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT, it would be a steal for me to offer you this for thousands of dollars.

But you know what?

I don’t want you to pay thousands.

Or even hundreds.

Okay, I know that sounds crazy,

I had to fail 27 times,

...and spend over $36,000 to get this system developed,

...and I know full well that I can sell out every copy in a heartbeat, at $1,997 and still have thousands of people...

...pounding on my door and begging to get in.

But do you know what?



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

This Was Never About Money For Me...

It’s about getting back at the gurus for ripping me off when I was at my lowest point.


I’m set.

I don’t need to worry about money ever again, it doesn’t matter to me one iota what you pay to get in on this today.

But it does matter to me that you get out of the guru scammer trap.

Get the money you’ve wanted for so long and finally get the freedom that you deserve.

So the A.I. PARTNER & PROFIT won’t cost you $1,197.

  • It won’t cost you $797.
  • It won’t cost you $197.
  • It won’t cost you anywhere near that...

Claim Your Digital License Today



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

To John Crosbie, Freedom Meant
Making $13,975 In Just 6 Days...

To Ben Martin, This Meant
$78,767.90 In Just 90 Days...

To Naidi, It Meant He Tripled His Income Overnight And Made $2,000 In Just 4 Days...

Or Cliff Lynch Who's First Taste Of Online Success Was How I Showed Him And He Said "Michael Cheney Made Me $616.54..."

Or Any One Of Our Other
Money Making Case Studies

I could go on and on – we each have a different idea of what success is and whatever success means to you, it’s important.

Financial success... time-freedom to do what you want... these things are critical.

But forget about all that.

Yes, I’ve succeeded in many ways, and that's nice.

And so have the students who came before you.

But what about you?

We Have Others...

who came to this page before you and are already running this business on their own

And these are not experts...just everyday good salt of the earth folks just like you...

...From all sorts of experiences and backgrounds, such as...



 ​Fire Fighters






 Personal Trainers

 Military Veterans

 ​​Car Salesmen

 Insurance Agents

 ​Small Business Owners

 ​Stock Brokers

And now I want to help you finally
launch your very own 7-figure business

Claim Your Digital License Today


Partner, Profit & Launch Your
7-Figure Business Today...

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

What’s Been Holding You
Back From The Life You Want?

Here's a sneak peak at the results you can get with this business...

Because you and I both know it’s not your skills.

So what is it?

Why hasn’t ANYTHING worked?

Not even a little?! Even though other people are doing it?

Is your Internet income this:

or this?

If It’s More Like The First One, I Have A Shameful Secret To Tell You

Those “Make Money Online” Products You’ve Been Using To Try and Make Money

Are just a smokescreen.

What I mean is, most of those products aren’t even supposed to work.

The truth is, they’re designed to attract people like you and me…

Who have faith in our hearts and believe in human decency.

Because our trust is the easiest to manipulate.

We want to trust.

Yet once they have our credit card, our email address…

The spam just keeps on coming…

The unexpected charges start in…

Their phone numbers never work…

And what happens? We turn from one scammer to the next.

I’ve fallen into this trap too.

I bought everything. Trusted everyone.

$7,867.32 later...I had nothing but a valuable lesson.

A lesson in how to lose money online... $7,867.32.

That’s How Much Money I Wasted
Before I Finally Learned…

That the real money… The real power online…

Doesn’t come from courses, seminars and e-books…

It’s the truth I learned.

To Multiply Your Money In Business, Online, Or Anywhere

You Need To Find Businesses That Are
Already Proven & Get Them At A Discount!

That’s how you get to a point where you’ve got true Money on Demand.

It’s not that complicated.

It’s a formula – used by the rich and honestly, I could draw it on the back of a napkin…

Even though it won’t make much sense…

This Is The Online Business Model I Use EveryTime

I Put This Machine On Autopilot,
Sit Back And Cash The Checks

(Without having to lift a single finger, because A.I. does all the hard work for you)

And the beautiful part is...

You don’t have to know how it works - to make it work for you!

Although I'll show you everything on the inside - but even if you don't know how it works as an owner... doesn't even really matter whatsoever...

When these businesses are built, they are completely self-sustaining with a fraction of the work time energy and effort of any other way of making money online that you've ever seen.

That’s why I love them.

This is funny, but true: I could fall off the face of the planet…

And my businesses would keep working.

The money wouldn't even slow down.

Because The Multiplier Effect Is The Key To Everything.

Imagine, You Put In A $1 Bill – Pull Out A $5...

And Then You Take That Same $5 and
Multiply It Again And $5 Turns Into A $50…



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

And once you can do that every hour, then every minute… then many times a second…

It’s Explosive…

Then suddenly...POOF!

You’re taken 3 steps up in the income bracket .

And that’s happening for you, starting now.

Because I’m Flat Out Giving You
One Of My Ten Businesses…

Your first dots on the map...

Built using my exact money “Multiplier” method…

This is just like I’m putting a blank check in your hand…

And signing it myself.

It’s that solid – that sure to give you the future that I know you want.

And I’m shaking right now…

I’m so excited…

Because I know you’ll succeed...

Because you’re not responsible for these businesses working.

I am...

Your Job Is Simply To Sit Back,
Follow Along, And Collect…

Just like I have…

A system that gets in front of hundreds or thousands of people per day…

Who shove their money into it all day long like it’s a Coca-Cola vending machine.

Cranking out paycheck after paycheck...

When you’ve got this kind of business working for you, ‘round the clock…

All that’s left to “do” is play with the money.

That’s the fun part.

And I can’t wait to see it all unfold… And I’ll get to – because I’ll be there at every turn...

At this point, you might be thinking...

It’s My Mission To Help Good, Honest People Like You...

Earn Enough To Retire Richer Than
They Ever Thought Possible

And you know what?

I wanted to prove to myself first that I can really come through for you…

I had to figure out how to put it all together…

So that you don’t have to do a lick of hard work.

I took apart in my own businesses…

Upgraded and combined them…

Automated everything…

I started in the morning…

It was already getting dark.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

I was tired.

But I wasn’t done.

I used my best marketing strategies…

The A.I. automation secrets that keep my 7 figure businesses running almost without me…

I put everything I have into this, for you...

When I finally finished...

It was 2:54 in the morning, and there was no way I could sleep.

So I turned it on.

Just as a test...

I bought a tiny little ad, just to see if it would make a sale…

Nothing happened. 

I was tired.

But I wasn’t done.

I used my best marketing.

And My heart was sinking…

Then Out Of Nowhere...

I Heard That Little "Ding!"

And looked at the screen…

It made a sale!

My Very First Sales Came In...

This was just the proof I needed...

Then it made another…

And another…

Within 10 minutes it was bringing in more sales…

Within 30 minutes, it paid for the computer I built it on…

Within an hour, I could have gone out and bought a car.

And I was so excited to give it to you...

But Then I Saw The Real Problem…



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

What’s Been Holding You
Back From The Life You Want?

Here's a sneak peak at the results you can get with this business...

Because you and I both know it’s not your skills.

So what is it?

Why hasn’t ANYTHING worked?

Not even a little?! Even though other people are doing it?

Is your Internet income this:

or this?

If It’s More Like The First One, I Have A Shameful Secret To Tell You

Those “Make Money Online” Products You’ve Been Using To Try and Make Money

Are just a smokescreen.

What I mean is, most of those products aren’t even supposed to work.

The truth is, they’re designed to attract people like you and me…

Who have faith in our hearts and believe in human decency.

Because our trust is the easiest to manipulate.

We want to trust.

Yet once they have our credit card, our email address…

The spam just keeps on coming…

The unexpected charges start in…

Their phone numbers never work…

And what happens? We turn from one scammer to the next.

I’ve fallen into this trap too.

I bought everything. Trusted everyone.

$7,867.32 later...I had nothing but a valuable lesson.

A lesson in how to lose money online... $7,867.32.

That’s How Much Money I Wasted Before I Finally Learned…

That the real money… The real power online…

Doesn’t come from courses, seminars and e-books…

It’s the truth I learned.

To Multiply Your Money In Business, Online, Or Anywhere

You Need To Find Businesses That Are Already Proven & Get Them At A Discount!

That’s how you get to a point where you’ve got true Money on Demand.

It’s not that complicated.

It’s a formula – used by the rich and honestly, I could draw it on the back of a napkin…

Even though it won’t make much sense…

This Is The Online Business Model I Use EveryTime

I Put This Machine On Autopilot, Sit Back And Cash The Checks

(Without having to lift a single finger, because A.I. does all the hard work for you)

And the beautiful part is...

You don’t have to know how it works - to make it work for you!

Although I'll show you everything on the inside - but even if you don't know how it works as an owner... doesn't even really matter whatsoever...

When these businesses are built, they are completely self-sustaining with a fraction of the work time energy and effort of any other way of making money online that you've ever seen.

That’s why I love them.

This is funny, but true: I could fall off the face of the planet…

And my businesses would keep working.

The money wouldn't even slow down.

Because The Multiplier Effect Is The Key To Everything.

Imagine, You Put In A $1 Bill – Pull Out A $5...

And Then You Take That Same $5 And Multiply It Again And $5 Turns Into A $50…



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

And once you can do that every hour, then every minute… then many times a second…

It’s Explosive…

Then suddenly...POOF!

You’re taken 3 steps up in the income bracket .

And that’s happening for you, starting now.

Because I’m Flat Out Giving You One Of My Ten Businesses…

Your first dots on the map...

Built using my exact money “Multiplier” method…

This is just like I’m putting a blank check in your hand…

And signing it myself.

It’s that solid – that sure to give you the future that I know you want.

And I’m shaking right now…

I’m so excited…

Because I know you’ll succeed...

Because you’re not responsible for these businesses working.

I am...

Your Job Is Simply To Sit Back, Follow Along, And Collect…

Just like I have…

A system that gets in front of hundreds or thousands of people per day…

Who shove their money into it all day long like it’s a Coca-Cola vending machine.

Cranking out paycheck after paycheck...

When you’ve got this kind of business working for you, ‘round the clock…

All that’s left to “do” is play with the money.

That’s the fun part.

And I can’t wait to see it all unfold… And I’ll get to – because I’ll be there at every turn...

At this point, you might be thinking...

It’s My Mission To Help Good, Honest People Like You...

Earn Enough To Retire Richer Than They Ever Thought Possible

And you know what?

I wanted to prove to myself first that I can really come through for you…

I had to figure out how to put it all together…

So that you don’t have to do a lick of hard work.

I took apart in my own businesses…

Upgraded and combined them…

Automated everything…

I started in the morning…

It was already getting dark.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

I was tired.

But I wasn’t done.

I used my best marketing strategies…

The A.I. automation secrets that keep my 7 figure businesses running almost without me…

I put everything I have into this, for you...

When I finally finished...

It was 2:54 in the morning, and there was no way I could sleep.

So I turned it on.

Just as a test...

I bought a tiny little ad, just to see if it would make a sale…

Nothing happened. 

I was tired.

But I wasn’t done.

I used my best marketing.

And My heart was sinking…

Then Out Of Nowhere...

I Heard That Little "Ding!"

And looked at the screen…

It made a sale!

My Very First Sales Came In...

This was just the proof I needed...

Then it made another…

And another…

Within 10 minutes it was bringing in more sales…

Within 30 minutes, it paid for the computer I built it on…

Within an hour, I could have gone out and bought a car.

And I was so excited to give it to you...

But Then I Saw The Real Problem…



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

👋Hey there!

I'm Michael Cheney...

If my name sounds familiar, you might know me from some of the businesses I run online.

The same businesses generate thousands of dollars a day for my family and me.

The very same businesses that made me a millionaire online

And now the very same businesses that we're going
to be partners on...

Yet My Greatest Accomplishment Is
Right Here On This Page...It’s You!

I love to find people like us out there…

Build them a new business…

Show them that it's real.

And then multiply it for them...

And see the looks on their faces as they collect insane amounts of money for the first time.

You will feel so different soon...

I’m taking all the stress out of the picture…

Taking You From Where You Are Now...Bringing You To My Level.

With A Fleet Of Your Own Cash Machines

The Moment I Finished This First Business For You, I Almost Cried

I could see just how quickly it would change your life.

When you have businesses like mine – made for you…

Tucked away neatly online…

Asking nothing of you but to oversee it…

While it cranks out profits...

I needed to name it something meaningful…

Soon, the name was obvious...

The money multiplier - A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

This Is Your Gift...

Your Ultimate Opportunity And I’m Doing This For You

Plus, I’m coaching you every step of the way.

Showing you my secrets, right on my screen…

You see everything - click by click

Then…It’s done.

We turn it on...and hear that lovely sound...


Then...“Ding” “Ding”

Over and over...

Sale, After Sale, Drenching Your Account…

People, all over the world, buying… day in day out...

It's such a wonderful sight to see…

It fills you with so much excitement…

Because of all the possibilities…

The Freedom…

And I know it’s hard to get here... most never do.

There’s a reason. 

These Secrets Are Hard To Come By, And Harder To Learn

This has taken me over a decade to master. (24 Years online so far and counting)

I can teach you all the “how” stuff but you might get lost that way and I want to lock in your success...

So Instead, I'm doing it for you.

100%. Not a click left out.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

This Is For Anyone Who Doesn't Have The Time To Start From Scratch


The Deposits Will Not "Turn Off"

This might be something your accountant needs to know.

Sometimes they need to prepare you…

For “jumping” a few income brackets.

If it’s a decent accountant you should have no issues.

Now – Let's Talk Price.

I'm Sure You Know,
This Is Not A "Cheap" Offer

Although this is inexpensive, it doesn't mean it's cheap.

However, Mr. X taught me a great lesson 

"The Way To Win, Is To Buy Something That Already Works, For Less Than It's Worth."

And it's with that lesson that we decided on the price of joining our partnership...

Because I want to do that for you.

And while it won't be "cheap" I will make it "possible" for you.

So please keep in mind:

I'm actually paying money to do this for you.

It's A Lot Of Work For Me,
Time Out Of My Schedule.

  • The work I do for you…
  • The support and help…
  • The training so you can see how this works…
  • All of the servers we have to pay for... 
  • The customer support we do for you...
  • ​Managing the payment processors for you...
  • As you can see it's not cheap...

And yet... I'm still only charging you under a few bucks for the entire system...

And the reason is that I really do mean it when I say that I'm doing this for you...

There's only so many people we can help...

And so we have to charge something

...but I still want to make this as accessible as possible to anyone who wants to get the money on demand system.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Don’t Ask Yourself: "How Much Will I Pay”

You Ask: "How Much Can I Make?"

Here's how much I've made in the last few months with the business we are now partnered on...

In your first 30 Days, if you replace your full time income… How much would you make?

Really, do the math!

How much would you make in a year, if your new monthly income was your old yearly income?

Whatever that number is…

I think it’s probably more than fair to charge that much.

However, I told you I'd make this "possible" for you…

So I’m guessing that you could probably go out and find $20,000...

Maybe even $30,000…

Or possibly $40,000…

For something you know will allow you to retire fat and happy on internet income.

I know you're sweating right now.

Don't worry.

There Is Something More Valuable Than Money That You Can Give Me…

If you help me cover my costs…Then the only other thing I’d like from you is…

Make me a video, and show me what you do with the first week’s payout.

Or a little photo album of your trip around the world…

Send me a picture of your new house after the closing…

Or call me up, and let me know when you start your retirement.

You don't know how much those things mean to me.

I Get Messages Every Day:

Thanking Me For The Little Things…

"I Got My First Paycheck From The Internet Today!"

A note that says "I'm finally debt free!"

So if you promise to let me know when you're "free" and living the life you've always dreamed of…

Then I'll make you a deal right now.

I'm going to cut down the price from $500.00...

To only $200.00...

And then?

Then I'm going even lower…

To just $100.00…

And just because I can – and I want to, I'm going to go further…

Cutting $50 dollars down to $25

And then, because I know that you are:





I'm going to make one more final cut and I'm only going to charge you: $19.95 If you take action right now.

Did You Think It Would Cost More? It Should. Here’s Why...

And I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this…

But you deserve every advantage…

Every opportunity…

Even if it costs me dearly.

So I’m giving you something that I haven’t even shown my own employees.

It’s the training that goes with the business — so you're never alone or lost as what to do next…

...You'll get the business, but you also need the owners manual...

...and more importantly you'll also need to learn how to read the owners manual...

That's why I'm going to...

Give You The Owners Manual To Run Your Business With Almost No Effort...

And when you know how to run your business...

...That means you'll be able to grow your business...

And when you know how to grow your business...

...Than you can multiply your income (just like I've done)...

More dollars…

Exponentially more profit…

And I’m scared to do this…

Because the training and what I share with you there brings me so much money every day…

So you have to make me a promise...

Promise To Keep What We Share In This Owners Manual A Secret.

I want you to put it on your computer in a locked folder, so nobody can steal it.

(I’ll show you how...)

Because if one single outsider gets in…

And finds this information…

Then the cat is out of the bag.

And we both will make less money.

Which I really… really don’t want to happen.

Yet what I do want to happen, is for you to have every advantage.

I want you to win big, win fast, and change your life from the ground up.

However, this gets even better…

Because I'm Throwing Everything
I Know Into This Deal!



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

And I Really Do Mean It When I Say...

"I'm Throwing Everything
I Know Into This Deal…"

I’m excited about this most of all, because we both know everything online changes so fast, that what works today won't work tomorrow..

...And that's why I'm going to future proof your business

Usually, when I work with other companies

Or people one-on-one — I charge at least $6,000.00 for coaching

And I’d hate to charge you that much before the money starts coming in.

But I feel like if I don’t start working for you now, we may both regret it.

Because here's the problem:

If I give this Money Multiplier to you… And you go off…

And start earning a great income…

Then chances are, you're going to disappear on me.

And that's fine.

You should go traveling...

Do what feels right.

And what if you want to help more people, and expand your name…

Build a bigger platform for yourself...

What if you want to kick things up a notch?

Here's what I will do for you.

I'm going to let you put me on retainer without charging you...

What all this means is simple:

I don't just sit around and wait for you to call me…

I am constantly working for you.

Every month, we keep running the business while you keep raking in the profits..

And Every Month, Like Clockwork,

I Give You New Growth Strategies That Grow Your Business Even Faster…

Now, technically, to keep me on retainer, I have to charge you something (Legally)

Yet I will NOT be charging $6,000.

In fact, I'm not going to charge you anything at all.

That way, even though I’m working for you for free, I won’t be actually losing money — because your success... Means my success.

And you’ll get my brain on your business every month…

Giving you new growth strategies…

Handing you new traffic strategies…

Constantly adding value to your business, and lining your pockets...

I Give My Clients Everything. Here’s My Promise…

When I work with you as a client or a customer, that’s my job. And I take it seriously.

And if I don’t fulfil my promise, I do not deserve to help you.

So I will return your money to you... every penny.

I won't argue or pry.

It's as simple as this: IF you ask me for your money back, you GET your money back.

And yes, that means that some people can be dishonest.

If they find this page, they can buy this, get a refund, and walk away with a brand new
businesses and be happily multiplying their money for free.

I know that.

I'd rather trust people to not be cheaters, than to assume they already are.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Let Me Practically Build This For You...

And if you don't love it…

You get all your money back.... (And you can keep the business too)

And to make things even easier than easy…

You Don't Have To Make Up Your Mind Now.

You've Got One Whole Month – 30 Full Days.

More than enough time to let me set up your businesses, and turn them on for you.

Plenty of time for me to show you…

How easy this is...

So really, the only way you can lose...

Is if you don't try it. Because then you'll never know.

You'll never know if it could have earned you enough…

To fulfil that dream you had when you were 12 years old…

Or that fantasy you have now…

“Someday… If I ever win the lotto…”

That's The Dream I’m Talking About.
That’s What We’re Working On Together.

And you’re going to be shocked how fast it happens...

Yet right now… there's a tiny little feeling inside you that can make you lose it all…

It's a feeling that starts in your brain as a seed of doubt…

And it worms down into your belly… and feels like a "gut feeling"…

And a lot of people trust that feeling over logic and reason…

They walk away from something that is truly risk free, because of a "gut feeling"

Yet do you know what that gut feeling is?

It's just fear.

That’s all.

Although, it's not exactly what you think…

It's Not The Fear Of Failure

Because Either This Works Or I Return Your Money, You Can’t Fail.

That feeling is: The Fear of Success.

Your subconscious… it can't imagine what life will be like tomorrow...

It feels weird stepping so far out of the comfortable routine you're in right now…

Yet the best way to get out of that routine, is to turn it around.

Is to use that gut feeling like a compass…

Follow the discomfort…

Follow the fear of success…

Go there more than anywhere else.

And it will lead you somewhere wonderful.

Embrace That Gut Feeling

Do what everyone else is terrified to do.

And then you’ll know the truth…

That there's actually nothing to fear.

Because you won't lose time…

And you won't lose money…

You've Got My Money Multiplier Working For You Around The Clock.

Steadily, confidently, effortlessly…

Dropping deposits into your account… and you decide how to spend the money.

We begin the moment you fill out that form.

So fill it out, and let's make you some money...


I'm concerned.

If you are reading this…

Then you're having a hard time making a decision right now.

It's stressful to be torn between two options.

So think about this:

You have choice you should know...

Option 1: Do nothing stay where you are and get the same results you always get…

Option 2: Partner with me.. Profit & if you don't I'll give you your entire investment back..

Do you choose to do nothing?

Or take action...

That's the situation you're in right now, and I know it's hard to be in your shoes.

Yet think about it – You have no risks.

Even if you ask for a refund, you're still guaranteed to get a rock solid, done for you, already working business out of the deal.



When you join me, and I set your businesses up for you – you are truly free…

You are free from having to do the technical, difficult work…

Free from having to figure out what to sell, and where to sell it…

Free from making all those decisions…



Free to simply collect your money every morning, and spend it however you please…

When I give you your businesses, they are yours 100%...

The money comes straight to you. Every time.

And what you do with it…

Is your choice.

Spend it on cars...

Or vacations...

Or flying lessons…

Or diving lessons…

Or a second home…

exquisite jewelry…

or an art piece…



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

It's Up To You,

The Sky’s The Limit!

There are a lot of things you can do, when you have the money, the time… and the freedom…

And this will give you money, time, and freedom…

Or I will give you every cent back.

Make no mistake – that's how simple this is.

You earn money...

Or I give you your money back GUARANTEED!

...No, better than guaranteed.

It’s a solemn promise.

However – You Are Running Out Of Time To Get In

There's a very good chance that today is the last day to get in.

The longer you read, the more people take up seats…

The group is filling right now…

They are squeezing you out…

And then it's too late.

If You Wait Too Long & We Get Too Busy,

I Won't Be Able To Let You In!

So now is the time to act...

And you'll get to see yourself start living the way you've always wanted TODAY…

When you Partner & Profit and take that big, exciting, courageous step you need
to take…

The adventure you'll step into - will be even more fun than you'd ever imagined...

It's so fun…

Freedom to do anything…

Knowing, every hour of every day… that if you do what we show you...

There’s more coming in than you can spend...

You can do things…

Things you always wanted.

Visit friends…

Tell someone special to meet you in Vienna…

Sneak the plane ticket into their pocket…

It Seems Impossible…

Until It’s Real & Minutes
From Right Now... It Begins.

And let me ask you:

If you're doing what I'm doing… your businesses… built just like mine…

Following my exact "Money Multiplier" method...

What do you think will happen?

How quickly do you'll begin getting paid?

And, how fast will that money come to you?

I can't wait for you to find out. (This is going to blow your mind.)

Michael Cheney



Order Your Digital Copy Today For Only $19.95!


 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

👋Hey there!

I'm Michael Cheney...

If my name sounds familiar, you might know me from some of the businesses I run online.

The same businesses generate thousands of dollars a day for my family and me.

The very same businesses that made me a millionaire online

And now the very same businesses that we're going
to be partners on...

Yet My Greatest Accomplishment Is
Right Here On This Page...It’s You!

I love to find people like us out there…

Build them a new business…

Show them that it's real.

And then multiply it for them...

And see the looks on their faces as they collect insane amounts of money for the first time.

You will feel so different soon...

I’m taking all the stress out of the picture…

Taking You From Where You
Are Now...Bringing You To My Level.

With A Fleet Of Your Own Cash Machines

The Moment I Finished This First
Business For You, I Almost Cried

I could see just how quickly it would change your life.

When you have businesses like mine – made for you…

Tucked away neatly online…

Asking nothing of you but to oversee it…

While it cranks out profits...

I needed to name it something meaningful…

Soon, the name was obvious...

The money multiplier - A.I. Partner & Profit Program.

This Is Your Gift...

Your Ultimate Opportunity
And I’m Doing This For You

Plus, I’m coaching you every step of the way.

Showing you my secrets, right on my screen…

You see everything - click by click

Then…It’s done.

We turn it on...and hear that lovely sound...


Then...“Ding” “Ding”

Over and over...

Sale, After Sale, Drenching Your Account…

People, all over the world, buying… day in day out...

It's such a wonderful sight to see…

It fills you with so much excitement…

Because of all the possibilities…

The Freedom…

And I know it’s hard to get here... most never do.

There’s a reason. 

These Secrets Are Hard To
Come By, And Harder To Learn

This has taken me over a decade to master. (24 Years online so far and counting)

I can teach you all the “how” stuff but you might get lost that way and I want to lock in your success...

So Instead, I'm doing it for you.

100%. Not a click left out.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

This Is For Anyone Who Doesn't Have
The Time To Start From Scratch


The Deposits Will Not "Turn Off"

This might be something your accountant needs to know.

Sometimes they need to prepare you…

For “jumping” a few income brackets.

If it’s a decent accountant you should have no issues.

Now – Let's Talk Price.

I'm Sure You Know,
This Is Not A "Cheap" Offer

Although this is inexpensive, it doesn't mean it's cheap.

However, Mr. X taught me a great lesson 

"The Way To Win, Is To Buy Something That
Already Works, For Less Than It's Worth."

And it's with that lesson that we decided on the price of joining our partnership...

Because I want to do that for you.

And while it won't be "cheap" I will make it "possible" for you.

So please keep in mind:

I'm actually paying money to do this for you.

It's A Lot Of Work For Me,
Time Out Of My Schedule.

  • The work I do for you…
  • The support and help…
  • The training so you can see how this works…
  • All of the servers we have to pay for... 
  • The customer support we do for you...
  • ​Managing the payment processors for you...
  • As you can see it's not cheap...

And yet... I'm still only charging you under a few bucks for the entire system...

And the reason is that I really do mean it when I say that I'm doing this for you...

There's only so many people we can help...

And so we have to charge something

...but I still want to make this as accessible as possible to anyone who wants to get the money on demand system.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Don’t Ask Yourself: "How Much Will I Pay”

You Ask: "How Much Can I Make?"

Here's how much I've made in the last few months with the business we are now partnered on...

In your first 30 Days, if you replace your full time income… How much would you make?

Really, do the math!

How much would you make in a year, if your new monthly income was your old yearly income?

Whatever that number is…

I think it’s probably more than fair to charge that much.

However, I told you I'd make this "possible" for you…

So I’m guessing that you could probably go out and find $20,000...

Maybe even $30,000…

Or possibly $40,000…

For something you know will allow you to retire fat and happy on internet income.

I know you're sweating right now.

Don't worry.

There Is Something More Valuable
Than Money That You Can Give Me…

If you help me cover my costs…Then the only other thing I’d like from you is…

Make me a video, and show me what you do with the first week’s payout.

Or a little photo album of your trip around the world…

Send me a picture of your new house after the closing…

Or call me up, and let me know when you start your retirement.

You don't know how much those things mean to me.

I Get Messages Every Day:

Thanking Me For The Little Things…

"I Got My First Paycheck From The Internet Today!"

A note that says "I'm finally debt free!"

So if you promise to let me know when you're "free" and living the life you've always dreamed of…

Then I'll make you a deal right now.

I'm going to cut down the price from $500.00...

To only $200.00...

And then?

Then I'm going even lower…

To just $100.00…

And just because I can – and I want to, I'm going to go further…

Cutting $50 dollars down to $25

And then, because I know that you are:





I'm going to make one more final cut and I'm only going to charge you: $19.95 If you take action right now.

Did You Think It Would Cost More?
It Should. Here’s Why...

And I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this…

But you deserve every advantage…

Every opportunity…

Even if it costs me dearly.

So I’m giving you something that I haven’t even shown my own employees.

It’s the training that goes with the business — so you're never alone or lost as what to do next…

...You'll get the business, but you also need the owners manual...

...and more importantly you'll also need to learn how to read the owners manual...

That's why I'm going to...

Give You The Owners Manual To Run Your Business With Almost No Effort...

And when you know how to run your business...

...That means you'll be able to grow your business...

And when you know how to grow your business...

...Than you can multiply your income (just like I've done)...

More dollars…

Exponentially more profit…

And I’m scared to do this…

Because the training and what I share with you there brings me so much money every day…

So you have to make me a promise...

Promise To Keep What We Share
In This Owners Manual A Secret.

I want you to put it on your computer in a locked folder, so nobody can steal it.

(I’ll show you how...)

Because if one single outsider gets in…

And finds this information…

Then the cat is out of the bag.

And we both will make less money.

Which I really… really don’t want to happen.

Yet what I do want to happen, is for you to have every advantage.

I want you to win big, win fast, and change your life from the ground up.

However, this gets even better…

Because I'm Throwing Everything
I Know Into This Deal!



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

And I Really Do Mean It When I Say...

"I'm Throwing Everything
I Know Into This Deal…"

I’m excited about this most of all, because we both know everything online changes so fast, that what works today won't work tomorrow..

...And that's why I'm going to future proof your business

Usually, when I work with other companies

Or people one-on-one — I charge at least $6,000.00 for coaching

And I’d hate to charge you that much before the money starts coming in.

But I feel like if I don’t start working for you now, we may both regret it.

Because here's the problem:

If I give this Money Multiplier to you… And you go off…

And start earning a great income…

Then chances are, you're going to disappear on me.

And that's fine.

You should go traveling...

Do what feels right.

And what if you want to help more people, and expand your name…

Build a bigger platform for yourself...

What if you want to kick things up a notch?

Here's what I will do for you.

I'm going to let you put me on retainer without charging you...

What all this means is simple:

I don't just sit around and wait for you to call me…

I am constantly working for you.

Every month, we keep running the business while you keep raking in the profits..

And Every Month, Like Clockwork,

I Give You New Growth Strategies That
Grow Your Business Even Faster…

Now, technically, to keep me on retainer, I have to charge you something (Legally)

Yet I will NOT be charging $6,000.

In fact, I'm not going to charge you anything at all.

That way, even though I’m working for you for free, I won’t be actually losing money — because your success... Means my success.

And you’ll get my brain on your business every month…

Giving you new growth strategies…

Handing you new traffic strategies…

Constantly adding value to your business, and lining your pockets...

I Give My Clients Everything.
Here’s My Promise…

When I work with you as a client or a customer, that’s my job. And I take it seriously.

And if I don’t fulfil my promise, I do not deserve to help you.

So I will return your money to you... every penny.

I won't argue or pry.

It's as simple as this: IF you ask me for your money back, you GET your money back.

And yes, that means that some people can be dishonest.

If they find this page, they can buy this, get a refund, and walk away with a brand new
businesses and be happily multiplying their money for free.

I know that.

I'd rather trust people to not be cheaters, than to assume they already are.



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Let Me Practically Build This For You...

And if you don't love it…

You get all your money back.... (And you can keep the business too)

And to make things even easier than easy…

You Don't Have To Make Up Your Mind Now.

You've Got One Whole Month – 30 Full Days.

More than enough time to let me set up your businesses, and turn them on for you.

Plenty of time for me to show you…

How easy this is...

So really, the only way you can lose...

Is if you don't try it. Because then you'll never know.

You'll never know if it could have earned you enough…

To fulfil that dream you had when you were 12 years old…

Or that fantasy you have now…

“Someday… If I ever win the lotto…”

That's The Dream I’m Talking About.
That’s What We’re Working On Together.

And you’re going to be shocked how fast it happens...

Yet right now… there's a tiny little feeling inside you that can make you lose it all…

It's a feeling that starts in your brain as a seed of doubt…

And it worms down into your belly… and feels like a "gut feeling"…

And a lot of people trust that feeling over logic and reason…

They walk away from something that is truly risk free, because of a "gut feeling"

Yet do you know what that gut feeling is?

It's just fear.

That’s all.

Although, it's not exactly what you think…

It's Not The Fear Of Failure

Because Either This Works Or
Return Your Money, You Can’t Fail.

That feeling is: The Fear of Success.

Your subconscious… it can't imagine what life will be like tomorrow...

It feels weird stepping so far out of the comfortable routine you're in right now…

Yet the best way to get out of that routine, is to turn it around.

Is to use that gut feeling like a compass…

Follow the discomfort…

Follow the fear of success…

Go there more than anywhere else.

And it will lead you somewhere wonderful.

Embrace That Gut Feeling

Do what everyone else is terrified to do.

And then you’ll know the truth…

That there's actually nothing to fear.

Because you won't lose time…

And you won't lose money…

You've Got My Money Multiplier
Working For You Around The Clock.

Steadily, confidently, effortlessly…

Dropping deposits into your account… and you decide how to spend the money.

We begin the moment you fill out that form.

So fill it out, and let's make you some money...


I'm concerned.

If you are reading this…

Then you're having a hard time making a decision right now.

It's stressful to be torn between two options.

So think about this:

You have choice you should know...

Option 1: Do nothing stay where you are and get the same results you always get…

Option 2: Partner with me.. Profit & if you don't I'll give you your entire investment back..

Do you choose to do nothing?

Or take action...

That's the situation you're in right now, and I know it's hard to be in your shoes.

Yet think about it – You have no risks.

Even if you ask for a refund, you're still guaranteed to get a rock solid, done for you, already working business out of the deal.



When you join me, and I set your businesses up for you – you are truly free…

You are free from having to do the technical, difficult work…

Free from having to figure out what to sell, and where to sell it…

Free from making all those decisions…



Free to simply collect your money every morning, and spend it however you please…

When I give you your businesses, they are yours 100%...

The money comes straight to you. Every time.

And what you do with it…

Is your choice.

Spend it on cars...

Or vacations...

Or flying lessons…

Or diving lessons…

Or a second home…

exquisite jewelry…

or an art piece…



...And Also Get 7 FREE Bonuses Valued At Over $2,678

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

It's Up To You,

The Sky’s The Limit!

There are a lot of things you can do, when you have the money, the time… and the freedom…

And this will give you money, time, and freedom…

Or I will give you every cent back.

Make no mistake – that's how simple this is.

You earn money...

Or I give you your money back GUARANTEED!

...No, better than guaranteed.

It’s a solemn promise.

However – You Are Running
Out Of Time To Get In

There's a very good chance that today is the last day to get in.

The longer you read, the more people take up seats…

The group is filling right now…

They are squeezing you out…

And then it's too late.

If You Wait Too Long & We Get Too Busy,

I Won't Be Able To Let You In!

So now is the time to act...

And you'll get to see yourself start living the way you've always wanted TODAY…

When you Partner & Profit and take that big, exciting, courageous step you need
to take…

The adventure you'll step into - will be even more fun than you'd ever imagined...

It's so fun…

Freedom to do anything…

Knowing, every hour of every day… that if you do what we show you...

There’s more coming in than you can spend...

You can do things…

Things you always wanted.

Visit friends…

Tell someone special to meet you in Vienna…

Sneak the plane ticket into their pocket…

It Seems Impossible…

Until It’s Real & Minutes
From Right Now... It Begins.

And let me ask you:

If you're doing what I'm doing… your businesses… built just like mine…

Following my exact "Money Multiplier" method...

What do you think will happen?

How quickly do you'll begin getting paid?

And, how fast will that money come to you?

I can't wait for you to find out. (This is going to blow your mind.)

Michael Cheney


Partner, Profit & Launch Your
7-Figure Business Today!

Order Your Digital Copy
Today For Only $19.95!


 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

What Are Others Saying About A.I. Partner & Profit?

Like Ben Martin, who made $78,767.90 in the last 90 days using the 7-figure affiliate system and having his best results online ever...

- Ben Martin

Just like Naidy, said “I tripled my income literally overnight and made $2,000 in just 4 days using the 7 figure affiliate framework..."

- Naidy Phoon

Like John Crosbie, who made $13,905 in 6 days. He came in, worked with us after several other gurus couldn’t get him results and we changed that...

- John Crosbie

Or Cliff Lynch who was a total newbie when it comes to all this and has already celebrated how "Michael cheney made me $616.54"...

- Cliff Lynch

As You Can See...

A.I. Partner & Profit Has Already
Helped People Make Money Online Just Like You All Over The World...

The Question Is... Are YOU Next?



For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

What Are Others Saying
About A.I. Partner & Profit?

Like Ben Martin, who made $78,767.90 in the last 90 days using the 7-figure affiliate system and having his best results online ever...

- Ben Martin

Just like Naidy, said “I tripled my income literally overnight and made $2,000 in just 4 days using the 7 figure affiliate framework..."

- Naidy Phoon

Like John Crosbie, who made $13,905 in 6 days. He came in, worked with us after several other gurus couldn’t get him results and we changed that...

- John Crosbie

Or Cliff Lynch who was a total newbie when it comes to all this and has already celebrated how "Michael cheney made me $616.54"...

- Cliff Lynch

As You Can See...

A.I. Partner & Profit Has Already
Helped People Make Money Online
Just Like You All Over The World...

The Question Is... Are YOU Next?



For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our
A.I. Partner & Profit today for a one-time only $19.95.

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead,
we've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 

 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Claim Your Digital Copy Now Get These FREE Bonuses!

bonus no. 1

The High Performance Habits Audio Book

Listen To Habits Of The High Performers On-The-Go!

Total Value: $37.00

When you get your copy of A.I. Partner & Profit Today, we’re going to give you a full audio version that you can start listening to at your convenience while working out, commuting, or during your morning routine.

This audio program is designed to help you understand how high performing affiliates think so that you can get the same results that they do.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of A.I. Partner & Profit Today!

bonus no. 2

Plug & Play Promotions

See The 2-Page Funnel We've
Used As The Back-Bone Of Our Entire Business

Total Value: $197.00

Proven done for you promotions that you can use to promote your very own Partner & Profit business

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of A.I. Partner & Profit Today!

bonus no. 3

Sop Simplification System

Never Need To Figure Out How To Run Your Business

Total Value: $97.00

A complete step-by-step roadmap of how to run your very own A.I. Partner & Profit business. All of the steps are figured out so you don't have to know anything about the business to be able to successfully run the business

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of A.I. Partner & Profit Today!

bonus no. 4

Service System

Never Have To Respond To A Single Customer Support Ticket Again

Total Value: $297.00/month

Never have to worry about replying to support tickets or customers again. Any problems your customers have are handled by us so you only have to worry about making money from the business not supporting the business.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of A.I. Partner & Profit Today!

bonus no. 5

Easy Payment Processing

Never Have To Worry About Setting Up Complicated
Payment Systems Again

Total Value: $497.00

Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems - we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.

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A.I. Partner &
Profit Playbook

Get Started QUICKLY With This Mini Video Series

Total Value: $497.00

Get started QUICKLY with this step-by-step guide right to the money.

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bonus no. 7

LIVE $400K
Handover Session

I'm Handing You A $400K Business On This LIVE Session

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bonus no. 1

The High Performance Habits Audio Book

Listen To Habits Of The High Performers On-The-Go!

Total Value: $37.00

When you get your copy of A.I. Partner & Profit Today, we’re going to give you a full audio version that you can start listening to at your convenience while working out, commuting, or during your morning routine.

This audio program is designed to help you understand how high performing affiliates think so that you can get the same results that they do.

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Plug & Play Promotions

See The 2-Page Funnel We've
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Total Value: $97.00

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bonus no. 4

Customer Service System

Never Have To Respond To A Single Customer Support Ticket Again

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Never have to worry about replying to support tickets or customers again. Any problems your customers have are handled by us so you only have to worry about making money from the business not supporting the business.

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Easy Payment Processing

Never Have To Worry About Setting Up Complicated
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Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems - we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.

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bonus no. 6

A.I. Partner & Profit Playbook

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Get started QUICKLY with this step-by-step guide right to the money.

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bonus no. 7

LIVE $400K Handover Session

I'm Handing You A $400K
Business On This LIVE Session

Total Value: $497.00

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  • ​Plug & Play Promotions - Free Today ($197.00 Value)
  • ​Partner & Profit Playbook - Free Today ($297.00 Value)
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  • ​LIVE $400K Handover Session - Free Today ($497.00 Value)

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Simply email us or call the number on your receipt and we'll give you back your money with no question asked...

And we'll let you keep everything included... as our gift to you.

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Here's EVERYTHING You Get when you order...

WHEN YOU ORDER 'A.I. Partner & Profit' Program Today!

  • A.I. Partner & Profit - Just $19.95 Today ($997.00 Value)
  • High-Performance Habits - Free Today ($67.00 Value)
  • Customer Service System - Free Today ($297/m Value)
  • Sop Simplification System - Free Today ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Plug & Play Promotions - Free Today ($197.00 Value)
  • ​Partner & Profit Playbook - Free Today ($297.00 Value)
  • ​Easy Payment Processing - Free Today ($497.00 Value)
  • ​LIVE $400K Handover Session - Free Today ($497.00 Value)

Total Value Over: $2,737.00

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 Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee

Here Is Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

We 100% guarantee that you'll love A.I. Partner & Profit, or we'll return your $19.95 and let you keep the program and all of the bonuses. 

Simply email us or call the number on your receipt and we'll give you back your money with no question asked...

And we'll let you keep everything included... as our gift to you.

Fair enough?


The Only Program You'll Ever
Need To Make Money Online

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A.I. Partner & Profit
Michael Cheney © 2024 - All Rights Reserved.
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM A.I Partner & Profit.